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KP61 20v Forged RMSport Pistons, TODA 264/9.1mm Cams and VEMS :D

Started by irishtwincam, April 09, 2009, 10:36:30 PM

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Still in progress....


Mucho thanks to PhatBob for answering my SMS messages over the holidays, one penang and beer coming your way!

Work over the holidays:
264/9mm TODA Cams dialled in to
INTAKE Max lift at 106
EXHAUST Max Lift at 116
Follow Loom Guide to start car...RTFMFTW!

First startup  :o

Second Startup  8)

Checking oil pressure light and alternator wiring is all good under running conditions!




Car wont start anymore?

Have good spark, have cranking rpm, 4degrees cranking spark value.
pulse width cranking is 6.3
air and coolant temp 27degrees

Pops out the inlet quite a bit, so deffo have fuel.
2 batterys in parallel trying to get it to go!

Any tips?
240/260cc injectors. Someone elses blended 20v map. upped req fuel from 5 to 5.5.


Take out the spark plugs, let the engine sit without them overnight, clean plugs and maybe heat them, install plugs and start the engine and try with lower req fuel value and try not to flood the engine.


req_fuel = 6.49 * (D / N / I)
I injector flowrate (cc/min)
D engine displacement (cc)
N number of injectors (eg. 4 for a 4 cyl port injection)

6.49 * (1588/4/245) = 10.5
Half that and double the VE resolution since base map we were using tops at 150% ~8000rpm,
our other base map maxes at 200% VE ~8000rpm.

So req fuel of 5/5.5

Hot plugs from a daily driver, dry combustion chamber, no start.
Just lots of popping out inlet. First attempt at hot plugs causes loud pop out exhaust.

[email protected]

Popping out of inlet tends to indicate a lean mixture.
Could anything have happened to the fuel pressure?

[email protected]

Theres no RPM showing in those logs - just trigger errors...


[email protected]

trigger errors could be anything - no RPM... thats got to be the most important thing to get sorted.  It read RPM before, and now doesnt so something odd has happened in that area.


Starter appears to have suffered from the cranking, hence low swinging RPM.
3 batterys in parallel did nowt.

New starter and it appears to have burst into life again?

Awaiting photobucket video uploads frmo Mr Danco himself.

Everything trigger/starting related with this motor has been mechanical.
Trigger spacing was 6 mm
Trigger plug didnt clip into the loom properly
Not enough batt juice

Knew the ECU was fine, just thought some changes might help.
For once it actually was mechanical  ::) :P


New starter really helped to get the engine swinging again, but it couldnt quite catch and idle!
Jumper cables to a running engine and voila, enough amps to get it to catch!


Modified the full throttle/low rpm (top left) of the ignition table to be more like Pazs one.
Less ignition advance when working the throttle to help it catch?

Some datalogs of it starting and getting the throttle blipped.



Using the formula we get a req fuel of ~10.5

Most N/A engines hit 100% VE at the top of the RPM range.
With a full req fuel value of 10.5 in thsi case, this ishould be true.

By halving the req fuel an engine can be expected to hit 200% on the VE table.

If our startup map has 150% at the top of the RPM range, should our req fuel be 7 or 7.5 to ensure it doesnt lean?


Most NA engine peak VE at peak torque.

If you got the right Req fuel then you should be estimating a very high strung NA engine to reach 100%
so keep the highest numbers at 100 or 200 if you half the reqfuel.