Minior Minor progress tonight, but still not got it running.
With the new firmware installed there are now some more confusing things for me to contend with.
I have managed to work out that there is a mistake in the terminal commands to turn on and off P259 chanel '0' listed at the bottom of this page under the heading 'Low current drivers',
the 'mdh307' should be 'mdh07'. This has cost me about an hour in the car just trying to figure out why i can turn the output state on, but cant turn the output state off using the terminal program. I can now confirm that the output i am using for the main relay is under switching state under the control of Vems, I will ome back to this in a bit.
Using this and this can be found that the real meaning of the code is 'm' for 'menu', 'd' for 'debug', 'h' for 'hardware test' and the hex digits denote the output state for relative outputs. Just for any ones future refference
. I like to know what things mean, rather than just accept them
Ok back to the outputs. Main relay P259 chanel '0', known to control by Vems through terminal program, will not change state when using the RPM trigger set to '0' RPM, nothing. When does this output change state in this situation. Zero RPM with the ignition on? it doesn't. It doesn't change state while cranking either.
The P259 chanel 1 is being used for the manifold heater relay. I have now found that this will not have +ve until the main relay is energised. Despite manualy energising the main realy by removing the pin from the EC36/4 and connecting to ground, using the terminal program, the P259 chanel 1 will not energise the heater relay, wiring fault in the relay pack maybe? but was fine with the OEM ECU, further investigation required.
Onto the difference in the firmware. I am no longer getting a spark. could for many resons. What is the 'cranking threshold (rpm)' A brief explanation of its logic so i can understand what its for, please
Also what is the H2 table in the Advanced menu, whats it for and what would happen if some of these are blank. Its a little confusing when this appears in the review mode, the title is not very helpfull and is different to the menue description in the Advanced menu, which is actualy far more helpfull, and now realise, now that i have found it, that all the entries in this table need to be zero. Mine are not
I will rectify this.
How do we work out the value for the 'Constant for RPm calc' in the Standard Constants table or is it a fixed known value?
Setting up the injector outputs for a single throttle body injector. I have set the h[0] output '0' to 15 as it would be for batch fire, this as far as i can see is the only satisfactory method?
Oh, going back to the review mode. The 'ignition outputs dual' table is shown yet in the Settings drop down menu it is not a selectable table.
I had been miss lead in the calculating of the Primary trigger settings 'Crank Min Period' Please can some one confirm that for a max RPM of 8000 on a four cylinder engine, that a crank min period value of 3744 is an acceptable value
Trigger tooth and next trigger tooth. On a 36-1 wheel, if the trigger tooth is '0' (the missing tooth??) then the next trigger tooth is 18??, so, if trigger tooth is 1, then next trigger tooth is 19?? I only want a confirmation on this as i have asked before and just need to make it clear in my head. is the next trigger tooth just a count, IE this value of teeth after the first trigger tooth irespective of which tooth is the trigger tooth?
I think thats it for tonight, second night down and not any closer to getting it to run, Bollox!!!
Ill get it working so its not a problem, maybe just not for this weekends racing
Its looking like i may be putting the OEM stuff back in on good friday. We shall see, not giving up yet.