Technical > Wiring & Sensors

Several Wiring Questions

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--- Quote from: Denmark on March 04, 2009, 11:11:09 pm ---how did the triggerwheel end up looking like, if you changed the design in the gab?

I alctully have a bit of cranking trigger errors on one of the older impreza´s i made ,that is even with the 36-1 wheel i made,but that is also rather small ,around 80mm in diameter,and the gab is just a missing tooth,so i was thinking if that would benefit froma raised gab also??


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The design that produced the scope trace is in reply #20, basically the missing tooth gap is 1/2 the height of all the other gaps.

--- Quote from: on March 04, 2009, 10:42:31 pm ---
--- Quote from: Sanjuro on March 04, 2009, 12:12:40 pm ---As it turns out, all I had to do was slope the gap...  next time!

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Or have a massive tooth rather than a gap.
Next time a 36-1 or have 3 teeth and use a cam sync ;)

Good work on publishing the results there.

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Now I'm actually quite curious as to what the giant "tooth" would do.  I updated the drawings to have the gap at 1/2 their previous depth and a missing gap instead of a missing teeth.  Going to make this tomorrow and scope it.

I guess I should note that the last scope trace was made @~147rpm.  The lathe would only go to ~3000rpm, otherwise it would be interesting to see what happens at high rpms.  Regardless, I will re-scope with the max rpm and compare it to the new trigger wheel that I'm going to make.

Giant tooth will not work. I have experience. missing gap  1/3...1/2 deep from normal gives best result.


--- Quote from: GintsK on March 05, 2009, 03:27:08 pm ---Giant tooth will not work. I have experience. missing gap  1/3...1/2 deep from normal gives best result.

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Cool, good thing I checked the forums before hitting the shop.  Updated my drawing:


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