Technical > Wiring & Sensors

Several Wiring Questions

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--- Quote from: on March 02, 2009, 04:20:09 am ---Sorry I should have been a little bot more specific :-[
Aftermarket ones are normally a problem, plus the Nissan disks work perfectly in a large number of different applications.
Usually the people making the triggers don't understand how the trigger sensors work and have big tooth gaps that cause strange electrical problems and noise in the missing tooth.

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Rob does my plan look about right?

--- Quote from: Sprocket on March 02, 2009, 02:55:19 pm ---I believe what is meant by the hardware comment is that there is no way to calibrate the second WBO2 sensor, seperately from the first. However, I find that the consistancy of sensors these days is quite close, that I dont think it really matters. I calibrated a brand new sensor, then used a sensor that had been on the wifes Seat Arosa for 30k miles, then a sensor which had been abused on the Mini with the VEMS, and a new but used sensor. ALL were within 0.2% of each other with only one calibration constant!!

As for the firmware. I asked for a monitoring only second channel, this was being looked at at the time of my asking, but, because I changed direction with the engine configuration, I never pushed it any further.

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So it looks like if we can live with the small sensor to sensor inconsistencies we can get away with 2.  Come to think of it I guess it won't really matter, since getting the reading on 6 cylinders is just as good as getting 2 signals of 3 cylinders each (I don't suppose we can tune per-bank fuel trim).  Just for reference, are there any mention of 2nd channel WB02 development threads that you can point me to?
For triggers the best (if you have a cam sync) is to have one tooth 60deg BTDC for each cylinder pair - so you'd have 3 teeth 120 deg apart, and to use a Hall sensor.

Failing that a 36-1 pattern is the most effective DIY solution, theres so many out there that work.  60-2 doesn't really bring much to the party.

--- Quote from: z0tya on March 02, 2009, 01:44:11 pm ---Maybe Rob think, that the big gap would be not as deep as normal gap.

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That sort of gap cleans up the noise in the missing teeth.  But if you're making your own trigger why mess around cutting double the number of teeth that you actually have to?

Agree: self made 60-2 can cause problems.
At same time code can calculate advance from last possible tooth. It is reason to use more teeth.

camsync and tooth at one time is no problem as long as it is not match your defined trigger tooth.

Second WBO2 FET is like nick name of FET. It can be used for switching an additional devices, but as I understand hardware is too week to handle two WBO2 - no free PWM channels or something like that... And no software of course.

--- Quote from: GintsK on March 02, 2009, 07:05:47 pm ---Second WBO2 FET is like nick name of FET. It can be used for switching an additional devices, but as I understand hardware is too week to handle two WBO2 - no free PWM channels or something like that... And no software of course.

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I have often said that there should be less of the "theoretical" features of the unit on the webshop page: second wideband, ibutton interface and so on, but they have a problem disassociating what the hardware offers and what the software enables.


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