Hi All,
I´m soon going make a Impreza again, and i can see that i want some of the new upgrades tha are in the firmware newer then 1.0.73,
But it seems that there is none released, and that there is aleast 20 different versions, some with this and some with that,
But secrets and, you got to know someone, that knows someone else, that might be able to tell a about a 4th person who might know, what a spicific feature is doing,but dont tell how it works.
If i will upgrade a 1.0.73 firmware running 36-1, with no cam sensor, but would like a boostcontrol that works/(better then 1.0.73), accel enrichment that works.16x14 tables.
the best thing would be that there would be a working dropdown menu, with working trigger setups
can anyone tell me what version to use , or can someone make a version, that is complete with all that things in one relase, as this would be best.
I´m also going to make my own s13, when i get the time, and can the same version firmware be used, or does this need another special secret version.