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Strange PW raise on ignition on while not cranking the engine

Started by gox, December 27, 2018, 09:08:34 AM

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I noticed it few months ago, but unit was home assembled sl i didnt bother much...but few daya igo i installed one more ecu that came factory assembled. If you stay for ignition on for a while, like 30sex or more PW goes up to arround 150-200, i didnt tryed to start the engine, but of you just reset the ecu it goes to normal cranking pw. One more thing i suspect is option to enable lambda with no rpm if this is disabled, pw stays normal. I didnt used ego correction, it wasnt “disabled” but rich and lean limit was set to 0%.
Fw on last unit is 1.2.11 and the earlier one is something arround 1.2.36.

Anyone noticed this?
E30 2.7 - VEMS,KKK K27.2,Schrick,1bar


Quote from: gox on December 27, 2018, 09:08:34 AM
I noticed it few months ago, but unit was home assembled sl i didnt bother much...but few daya igo i installed one more ecu that came factory assembled. If you stay for ignition on for a while, like 30sex or more PW goes up to arround 150-200, i didnt tryed to start the engine, but of you just reset the ecu it goes to normal cranking pw. One more thing i suspect is option to enable lambda with no rpm if this is disabled, pw stays normal. I didnt used ego correction, it wasnt “disabled” but rich and lean limit was set to 0%.
Fw on last unit is 1.2.11 and the earlier one is something arround 1.2.36.

Anyone noticed this?
it's normal.
Vems installer in Lithuania
[email protected]


E30 2.7 - VEMS,KKK K27.2,Schrick,1bar


Vems installer in Lithuania
[email protected]


E30 2.7 - VEMS,KKK K27.2,Schrick,1bar


Quote from: gox on December 29, 2018, 08:42:30 AM
I am just curious to know how stuff works...
if you would fill wiki page about that, somebody from devs would answer your question :)
Vems installer in Lithuania
[email protected]


Pulsewidth shows %O2 after a while when the O2 sensor is set to heat on startup and the engine isn't running. It should be ~19-21 on the gauge (19-21% O2 in the air) depending on how "dirty" the exhaust is around the sensor. If it hasn't run for a long time, it should be 20.9 since that's the % of O2 in free air. Don't get too concerned if it's not super close to that, it's not very accurate reading "free air" in an exhaust pipe.
VEMS USA - Located in beautiful Burlington, Vermont
1988 RX7 Turbo