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Any news on this front?If VemsTune doesn't crash I'm willing to use it, does it work well with MegaTune ?
Those keystrokes must surely be in the MegaTune executable.
&Tuning" subMenu = std_realtime, "&Realtime Display" subMenu = std_separator subMenu = veTableMap, "&VE Graph" subMenu = sparkMap, "&Igntion Graph" subMenu = lambdaMap, "&Lambda Graph" subMenu = boostMap, "&Boost PWM Graph" subMenu = matMap, "&MAT Graph",0, {matTps0 != 255} subMenu = std_separator subMenu = WarmUpEnrichment, "&Warmup Enrichment Graph" subMenu = IACrefpos, "&IAC refDC Graph" subMenu = CrankPulsewidth, "&Cranking Pulsewidth Graph", 0, {crankCold == 0 && crankHot==0} subMenu = AccelEnrichCurve2, "&Acceleration RPM vs Amount" subMenu = AccelEnrichCurve3, "&Acceleration Dotrate vs Scale" subMenu = MatCorrection, "&MAT Fuel Enrichment Graph",0, {matTps0 == 255}