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1.1.47 with experimental features

Started by Sambas, December 28, 2008, 09:08:21 PM

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went from 1.0.43 to 1.1.47 fw version. Lambda readings are gone now :(

Ri:009F Nernst:095A
Heat:A4 Pump:FF     
AFR=?     ??.?     
AFR=14.77  P      ON
Ri:00F5 Nernst:0B0C
Heat:D9 Pump:FF     
AFR=?     ??.?     
AFR=14.77  P      ON
Ri:00F4 Nernst:018E
Heat:9A Pump:FF     
AFR=?     ??.?     
AFR=14.77  P      ON
Ri:00F0 Nernst:0276
Heat:B9 Pump:FF     
AFR=?     ??.?     
AFR=14.77  P      ON
Ri:00C3 Nernst:0880
Heat:7F Pump:FF     
AFR=?     ??.?     
AFR=14.77  P      ON
Ri:00C3 Nernst:0880
Heat:7F Pump:FF     
AFR=?     ??.?     

and so on..

Does anyone have similar problem?


Quote from: Sprocket on January 04, 2009, 05:32:46 PM
Only an observation, I would have thought to set knock_alternative, you need to remove the # infront of set??
No # sits everywhere. No matter function is set or unset.



Quote from: GintsK on January 04, 2009, 04:19:05 PM

#set KNOCK_ALTERNATIVE    "Experimental"
#set EXPERIMENTALS "Experimental"

Message is almost similar on 16x14 and 12x12.

??? ???

You don't need to set(in megatune) knockalternative for speed sensor. If you want use knock alternative you must small page 9 from 12x12(16x16) to 8x8. I can upload that vems.ini if you want.


Quote from: GintsK on January 04, 2009, 08:41:09 PM
Quote from: Sprocket on January 04, 2009, 05:32:46 PM
Only an observation, I would have thought to set knock_alternative, you need to remove the # infront of set??
No # sits everywhere. No matter function is set or unset.


My bad

This is one reason I wont use any of these new fangled firmwares. They are just not dumb user friendly, and I dont class my self as dumb but I do find all this just a little to much programmer speak!!


Is there knock alternative in 1.1.47?
How can I switch on it?
I think it is a good solution on hardware side in the VEMS, the knock chip and the electronic. But the old method is hard to setup correcly. This knock alternative would be a better solution.
Has any exprerience somebody?


Quote from: MWfire on January 04, 2009, 10:41:00 PM
Quote from: GintsK on January 04, 2009, 04:19:05 PM

#set KNOCK_ALTERNATIVE    "Experimental"
#set EXPERIMENTALS "Experimental"

Message is almost similar on 16x14 and 12x12.

??? ???

You don't need to set(in megatune) knockalternative for speed sensor. If you want use knock alternative you must small page 9 from 12x12(16x16) to 8x8. I can upload that vems.ini if you want.


Ext package replaced with v2, speedsensor and megatune problems hopefully fixed. Look the first post.

I wasn't able to make megatune happy with knock_alt enabled
Firmware, Software and Hardware


Quote from: Sambas on January 06, 2009, 09:58:39 PM
Ext package replaced with v2, speedsensor and megatune problems hopefully fixed. Look the first post.

I wasn't able to make megatune happy with knock_alt enabled

Thank you!!!


i did the v2 upload via command prompt and it failed. all gauges in megatune were jumping up-down andfinally no connection at all.
should i use vemstune for upload only?

also right after upload in cmd window it gave me successful upload but all weird chars started appearing in the window.
after downgrade to 1.0.73 it was ok again

any ideas?

here is fixed megatune(settings.ini for standard boost).
I put v2 on two cars without problems.


Is the megaloader bug, what makes wrong config.txt like this:

and makes 14 rows in VE,Spark,Lambda tables?

j[C]=58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58
j[D]=58 58 44 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 48 48 48 48

known bugs:
* megaloader has problems with downloading config, terminal works ok (Manmcdbye)
* Megatune 3d map view sometimes buggers, 2d ok



I have a problem with boostgauge output.
It worked fine, if boost pressure was no more than 1.1 bar (210kPa absolute).
But if boost pressure is increased, pressure indicator drops to 0 when boost reaches over 1.3 bar (roughly).
Seems like boostgauge output signal is lost above that pressure. I tested it with constant manifold pressure at 275kPa and indicator shows 0, no matter what is written into offset and multiplier fields.


Looks like the boostgauge output doesn't work with MAP values above 240kPa.
Solution: adjusting map sensor range so that vems can see smaller numbers than real map values.
For example, atmospheric pressure = 50kPa. Maybe not the smartest idea, but works fine for me.