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Firmware/ Megatune suggestion

Started by Sprocket, March 13, 2007, 11:59:48 PM

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In the Misc outputs settings in Megatune there are two outputs with min and max settings for MAP, RPM, and TPS position to configure for these outputs. How simple would it be to get a min and max Temp in there as well. Who would I need to speak to. Its seams so simple, and would open up the possabilities even more

I suggest this as in conjunction with my topic on Evaperative emission control, but also while making the wiring loom i also need to control the manifold PTC heater element. I need a temperature refference to switch off an output at high temp rather than switch it on.

If this is in the wrong section by all means move it to some where more apropriate.




I'm also after getting a working evaporative emissions system.  I don't like to waste fuel in a black car in summer.

I keep moaning at Rob to moan at the software people too... ;)

[email protected]

For temperature based control you could use the water pump trigger, and invert the output.
As for temperature threshold on the Misc settings, I know that its been discussed as a feature for things like Evaporator canisters and VTEC type of controls, so I can ask the blokes who do the work to see if its in the work path.

Alas much of this stuff is easy (in theory) to implement, there's just a large number of them stacked up in the work path


OK cool

Bear with me on this. How do you invert the output on either the cooling fan or waterpump outputs? Use a neggative hysteresis??

[email protected]

If you look in the second water pump channel drop-down list you will see that after the numbers 0 to 7 you'll see that they're repeated with a letter i in front of the numbers.  This inverts the output.