Hi Sascha,
If it was a simple straight forward install, there is not much joy in it. As we (my friend and I) were crazy enough to accept the project (were others refused), it gives us now much satisfaction that in the end it worked out well.
Ok, we have still a long way to go mapping wise, but all electronic problems are solved by now exept this wbo thing.
I reviewed all my connections. On both boards. They are just fine. It is not a wrong wiring or bad wiring.
When I get a reading (after several times on/off in calibrating) I get a perfect normal reading. The reading is stable too. I'm also alble to calibrate it perfectly, no jumping arround of the measurement.
Like said it's just the heater that causes me trouble. The damned thing shut off with no reason to do so...
Only my ignition output stages are modified. All the rest is not touched or completely standard setup.
2 x VR as input for cam/crank 8injection outputs, 2ignition outputs with the standard IGBT and 6ignitions outputs with the TC4427A who are driving VW cop coils (one per output).
See this picture:
I know that I must either made the same mistake twice or that the problem is something else and also the same for both boards. Obvious.
I'm thinking on the firmware. I'm using 1.2.10, which was loaded when I bought the boards.
I didn't upgrade to a newer or other firmware version as I'm a little affraid to do it.
That's why I'm asking of anyone else has the same problem with the same firmware as my boards.
And to answer your question: No, after the heater shuts off, it never goes on again.
I do understand that it is an odd problem. I don't have others, haha.
Question: You've said: "you would never really know to see the reset of the ECU except for the fact that the wideband O2 resets"
If I scope the reset line on the µP should I see it then??
Best regards,