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Electronic boost control..

Started by PaulsM, May 17, 2018, 11:02:40 AM

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Hello, could someone explain - how to install electronic boost control. I would like a potentiometer installed, which outputs/inputs could I use? I have 3 way vems valve.


what you can do is wire the pot into a pulled up channel and just use 2 wires. GND and Signal to the ECU that way you can control boost.
You need to use a ignition, injection or stepper output for a boost valve.

for ign and inj output, wire the other side of the valve to switched 12v
for stepper output, wire the other side of the valve to gnd


Could you explain it more simple, please? What is "pot" and pulled channel?


a pulled up channel is a channel already connected to 5v via a resistor, 1k Ohm or more.

a pot is a potentiometer

If you wire one side of the pot to analog gnd and the middle to a channel that is already 5v then by moving the pot you are pulling the 5v down and that will represent a signal to the ECU between 0-5v

If you wire the middle to the ecu where there is no 5v present then you need to make wire in 5v to the potentiometer as well, they usually have 3 pins and they´ll usually be