Technical > Wiring & Sensors

Burned box

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It tasted a little bit of 12v and it didn't liked it


--- Quote from: Taanhp on May 16, 2018, 09:09:09 pm ---It tasted a little bit of 12v and it didn't liked it

--- End quote ---
if it was not homebuilt box it could be replaced with brand new one with small charge compared to new unit

I dont think its homebuilt, I bought it from my local Vems dealer but he takes almost full price for a new unit.


--- Quote from: Taanhp on May 18, 2018, 08:31:09 am ---I dont think its homebuilt, I bought it from my local Vems dealer but he takes almost full price for a new unit.

--- End quote ---

read about mainboard replacement.

Ok, thank you for the help!


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