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Trouble Configuring Knock Control BMW M52

Started by e30sforlife, April 30, 2018, 09:34:31 PM

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Hi everyone,
Ive been trying to setup the VEMS knock control on my OBD1 M52 for a while and I cant seem to get it working.
I have an M50 PNP ECU so i havent touched any wiring for the knock sensors.

I'm pretty confident there aren't any wiring issues because both sensors are brand new and they have thrown knock codes on a hot day on my stock ECU.

Anyways, Ive read the instructions many times how to configure the knock control in VEMS tune and I cant seem to get it working at all. I will include a datalog so you can see what I might be doing wrong.

Thanks in advance!

PS: I cant figure out how to attach a log. Sorry for being a noob. Lol


Use the report center in vemstune to upload datalogs.

Are you seeing any knock noise at all during driving?


Heres what I see when driving. The knock value for each cyinder pretty much stays at 24 and occasionally jumps up to 28 for a sec, but stays consistently at 24.

The knock noise diff will be anywhere from -50 to -600 depending on RPM. Do I just have the settings all wrong in the software?


Im trying to post a photo of my settings to make it easier to fix, but I cant figure out how. Lol

From what I see in the datalogs, It looks like the knock sensors are seeing noise that changes with RPM, so I assume the sensors are working, I just need to figure out how to setup the whole system.

It would be alot easier if I could post a datalog, or at least a photo in this post of the issues im having.


In VemsTune, look in the help menu. There's VEMS Sharing Center which Gunni was talking about. Make a report, attach a log to it, and it will give you a short url link to the report when young submit it. Paste that link here so we can look.
VEMS USA - Located in beautiful Burlington, Vermont
1988 RX7 Turbo


Did you check your Sharing Center report? Dave had a question on May 7th. Looks like the knock sensors aren't plugged in or the signal isn't getting to the ECU for some other reason.
VEMS USA - Located in beautiful Burlington, Vermont
1988 RX7 Turbo


Still having issues here. Both knock sensors are Brand new. I also verified that my wiring harness is good. I'm getting good continuity between both knock sensor pigtails under the intake and the ECU X6000 connector. Sensor and shield grounds are both really solid. What else could it be?

Also before anyone asks, I dont have an SD logger (at least not that I know about. Bought the ECU used) Its turned off in settings. It said on VemsTune that with SD logging, knock detection is disabled, as i'm sure you're all aware of.

What else could be causing this? Maybe bad hardware in my ECU? Wrong settings in VemsTune?
Id love to get this resolved! Especially because all we have in California is 91 Octane!



Quote from: e30sforlife on June 13, 2018, 08:02:34 AM
Still having issues here. Both knock sensors are Brand new. I also verified that my wiring harness is good. I'm getting good continuity between both knock sensor pigtails under the intake and the ECU X6000 connector. Sensor and shield grounds are both really solid. What else could it be?

Also before anyone asks, I dont have an SD logger (at least not that I know about. Bought the ECU used) Its turned off in settings. It said on VemsTune that with SD logging, knock detection is disabled, as i'm sure you're all aware of.

What else could be causing this? Maybe bad hardware in my ECU? Wrong settings in VemsTune?
Id love to get this resolved! Especially because all we have in California is 91 Octane!


Did you physically verify the knock sensor wiring on the ECU connector, by this I mean identify the exact pins used for the knock sensors and ground on YOUR harness (do not rely on schematics at this point!) and then verify on your ECU!  Basics haven't even been dealt with at all from what I can see.


I have verified that the wiring harness is good. If you check my Sharing Center report above, you can see which Pins I checked. I also could check the pins on the ECU but i'm not sure where the Knock chip is and I've never ripped one of these things apart. Also someone commented and said it looks like my knock chip is working.