Technical > Wiring & Sensors

Pressure tube location

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Mike h:
Could someone please give some advice on the best location for the pressure tube? It is going on an Audi V8 ABZ engine. There is an air temp sensor about 2 inches up stream of the throttle butterflies. Would locating it about 90 degrees from this sensor be the best place or is there a better place? Any help would be much appreciated.
Are there no existing vacuum take offs?

If not then I'd stick a pneumatic fitting as close to the centre of the plenum as possible then.

fuel pressure regulator, either T off that line or close to it´s connection point,
it´s chosen to control a major component in the fuel system so I´d say it´s connection point is very good.
I would never share a feed with any other device/sesnor as a split pipe ruins the signals for both.
There are nice push-fit fittings available for a few quid from Pneumatic suppliers and RS

that can be used.

Mike h:
I do have a vacuum line available but I thought the fitting was suppose to go up steam of the throttle valve (between the throttle butterflies and the air filter) .The vacuum line that is available is after the throttle butterflies.


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