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Wideband pump calibrations

Started by Agriv8, March 03, 2007, 01:57:50 PM

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Thanks Bob,

SO which of the figures above do we adjust when calibrating using the 2 * 100 Ohm resistor.

And then stage 2 The figure to adjust when I plug the lambda in to get it to read o2 = 20.9

Like the idea of doing it through Magatune rather than Term emulator.


'The older I get the faster I was'

[email protected]

Assuming that the settings are as below and that Pump zero PW (5v/256) is set correctly, the one to set up using the resistors is Pump PID nernst target.  You will need to do this through the terminal app as the heater needs to be turned on: (Manmde02) and off again (Manmde00)

Its the same with stage two as well I'm afraid.

The new v3.3 VEMS unit come with the Pump Zero PW and Pump PID Nernst Target values in the 'sent-out' email.  Wideband sensors still need to be calibrated though, I usually do these for the people I'm sending units to.

Unfortunately you inherrited a headache with your unit! :(


Right so I have connected the resitors and switched my heater on
DVM accros Grnd and pin 5 = 3.97
DVM accros Grnd and pin 1 = 4.34
DVM across pin1 and pin 5 = .370 mv

So What next I need to adjust these but by adjusting what values and how do I do that through the terminal ap just type in the Paramater I want to change and give it its new value.


'The older I get the faster I was'

[email protected]

I've re-written the instructions for this in the section Calibrating the WB02 controller circuit of the User Guide.

Please let me know how you get on.


Thanks Bob,

Will print them out and have a go tonight ( Providing I can sneak into the garage without the wife noticing !!)

Will report back


'The older I get the faster I was'



That makes more sense I think the Northern numpty has got his WBO2 up and running.

Got My wbo2_pin1 and wbo2_pin5 to 0.450mv with Manmttg89c9Fmcs
and my 02 reading constantly 20.9 ( though did flicker between 20.8 through 20.9 to 21.0 ) Manmttg8bcAFmcs

So question is that ok ?

Oh by the way the paragraph To adjust the voltage you will need to use the terminal program to change the value directly. To do this use the command: Mang8Ac63mcs And you will make adjusments starting from 63 upwards.

Should the Mang8Ac63mcs be Mang8mttAc63mcs ?



'The older I get the faster I was'


if the firmware is changed, will one need to recalibrate using terminal?

[email protected]

No because you're settings are hardware dependent and not software based.
No doubt you'll have downloaded your original config and tables before the upgrade and be able to refer to the original values should you make any radical changes.


Anyone know of a way to disable the WBO2 input?

It's just that I'd like to get my engine running but my sensor isn't powered yet so genboard sees it with open air values.
As soon as it moves into afterstart, it appears to go very rich. I expect it's trying to chase a lower value, (which never happens, obviously).


At afterstart wideband measurement (true or false) isn't taken in to account.
Later interaction you can eliminate by disabling EGO correction. EGO correction is the only way how wideband affect fueling.
