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VW Splitscreen Camper 2270 Type 4 VEMS

Started by paul_f, October 30, 2008, 10:56:01 PM

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[email protected]

Quote from: paul_f on November 01, 2008, 01:12:59 PM
Or I could use the mini coil BMW-Mini coil on ebay

Winner!  Its always worth wandering around the local scrappies and having a look at what you can find, a coil pack is a coil pack is a coil pack, if it works then run with it and replace it with a shiny one later ;)


Did some more work today.

Using my pillar drill and an end mill, removed the lump around the original centre stud.

Using a bakelite manifold gasket, I made a template for the two lower studs and drilled the end castings.

Endcasting and runners fitted.  The endcastings are alloy but the runners are steel. I need to cut off the runners so I can weld on an flange for the throttle bodies.  I haven't decided on the height yet, I need to fit injectors and rails before I decide on the whether to make the throttle body flange out of aluminium or steel.
As the runners curve almost immediately, I think they may end up being aluminium.  To remove the runners and get the height the same I will hacksaw off the runners, and then bolt two spare heads together (so that they are sitting horizontally) and have the runners milled off.


A common problem with type 4 engines is that the boss that holds the oil pick up tube cracks off.   The boss is only used as a height guide, the location is by a lower bolt that holds the oil screen in.  If during a service the lower bolt is over tightened the boss will crack.

The cracked boss was snapped off and then a thin air belt sander was used to take it back to clean metal.  Japeto kindly had it TIG welded up for me.

Quite difficult to mount the case to the pillar drill.  In the end I made a clamping arrangement with wood and flat bar.  It doesn't need to be spot on, as the oil pick up just hangs loosely on the stud.

Welds spot faced

Steel insert fitted with M12 outer and M8 inner


Back when I was at uni I did a little bit of CAD work, so I thought I would have a go at drawing the flange for the throttle bodies to attach to.
I now realise why we only did work with straight lines...

Anyway it is ready for CNC plasma cutting, once I have decided on the thottle body position and therefore whether it will be aluminum or steel.  The stud holes will not be cut using the plasma cutter, I will drill and tap them afterwards. 


Long time since any update :o

Anyway I over Xmas I built the 2270 engine and run it in on 40mm carbs.  Unfortunately the cam was too mild.  So a new one was ordered - 2week delivery time quoted - 8 weeks actual.  That is in now and then engine runs great, still on carbs though.

Whilst building the engine I made a mount for the crank sensor (sensor and mount is off a TDCi Mondeo that I had from an old work project)

Making the template for the crank trigger pickup

Checking the alignment


Last Friday I hooked the sensor up to the scope to check the signal.  It would be fine as a trigger for the ECUs we use (diesel) - hopefully it will be fine with the Vems.

Over the weekend I started building the wiring loom.  It is much more time consuming than I imagined.  I always thought the wiring guys at work dragged there heels (well I think some did, but they are no longer there!).

Tomorrow evening I can take it from the front room to the garage and start getting the lengths and covering it.


I got the connectors for the mini  coil(got two of them now for less than £10 delivered - it seems lots Bini boys are upgrading to the MSD one)

If anyone else needs the connectors here are the part numbers

BUSHING CONTACT0,5-1,0MM?      12527511408
BUSHING CONTACT1,2-2,0 MM?      12527511409

It cost about £2.50 I think from the dealers


That coil has a built on igniter!
Ive ripped one open so I know!
If your looking for a 3 wire twin coil to work with VEMS in built igniters then this aint for you.

Quote from: [email protected] on October 31, 2008, 10:12:30 PM
Quote from: paul_f on October 31, 2008, 09:38:46 PMThe plan was to use either one of those MSD coils or a Subaru one.  The MSD one looks nice in the photos, but I wasn't impressed with the build quality of their distributors.

I have a 009 distributor that I was considering modifying to give me a CAM trigger, but I have read elsewhere on the forum that this isn't required for sequential injection only for coil on plug.  Surely without a CAM trigger the injection could be one of two strokes - or is the idea that as long as it fires during the exhaust or compression stroke then the fuel will sit on the back of the valve (in a port injection system)?

The MSD coils are good if only because they seem to be discounted to hell on ebay and various on-line shops.  You could "Keep It Real" and use the VAG

Spot-on with the injection sequencing as long as it fires when the valve is closed then all is good.


Quote from: irishtwincam on June 10, 2009, 05:49:19 PM
That coil has a built on igniter!
Ive ripped one open so I know!
If your looking for a 3 wire twin coil to work with VEMS in built igniters then this aint for you.

Do you mean the VW one

or the Mini coil (black version of the MSD one)

What does the built in igniter do?


Now the VW and camping season is over I got back onto the EFI install!

A few months ago I made a completely new wiring loom, and at the same time made the VEMS loom and fitted it and the ECU, but never got round to powering it all up and putting on the sensor connectors.

Tonight I powered it on and after a few sensor checks tested out the crank signal (I had previously checked it with a scope).  The VEMS recognized the signal and calculated the engine speed correctly!

I tried the tach out, but that seem to give strange speeds - I'll make a separate post for that though.

Next step is to wire in the coil!


With the tach divider set to 16 I have found just how crap the tacho I is!  Below 1500 it under reads, between 1500 and 2000 its about right and then above that it overreads.

Wired in the wideband and calibrated that.  Its quite difficult to do that without the display, went and found the display which made it much easier! 

Initially terminal was giving me garbage, until I realised it was Man not man!

Hopefully the ignition leads will be with me shortly!


Got it started up as ignition only this evening ;D  Ready to move it from my parents to the newly finished garage at my house to take the engine out to fit the fuel pump and throttle bodies.  I am determined to finally get it fully running after 3 years ::)

Its always been easier just to chuck the carbs on

Need to check the timing again tomorrow with a mates timing light as mine is playing up and only intermittently firing.

It seems to work though

What should the coil chargetime and the added chargetime @6v be set to?


Quote from: paul_f on January 28, 2010, 04:09:00 AMWhat should the coil chargetime and the added chargetime @6v be set to?
With what exact coil ? All the info in this thread was confusing. You should at least assemble all information about your setup in your first post.

[email protected]

Quote from: paul_f on January 28, 2010, 04:09:00 AM
Got it started up as ignition only this evening ;D  Ready to move it from my parents to the newly finished garage at my house to take the engine out to fit the fuel pump and throttle bodies.  I am determined to finally get it fully running after 3 years ::)

Its always been easier just to chuck the carbs on

Need to check the timing again tomorrow with a mates timing light as mine is playing up and only intermittently firing.

It seems to work though

What should the coil chargetime and the added chargetime @6v be set to?

I usually put 3-4 ms in there, its basically a value that adds additional charge time at lower voltages - for cold start on iffy batteries and what have you.  If you find that you have trouble getting a spark when cranking then it will need a nudge higher.


Quote from: mattias on January 28, 2010, 09:42:14 AM
With what exact coil ? All the info in this thread was confusing. You should at least assemble all information about your setup in your first post.

I agree it is confusing, I'll edit the first post later on to state the setup.

In any case I am using the BMW Mini Cooper OEM coil that looks the same as this MSD one.  The same coil is also used on Chrysler/Dodge Neons

I have only had it idling, but I had the chargetime set to 3ms