this is just for posterity, as I am probably the only person running 1.0.79 perhaps.
I spent three hours sat in the car, just trying to get the dual table switching working, which was no easy task with the code speak instructions relating to it. Just to note while I am here, the configuration for this in 1.0.79 is different to that in 1.1.XX
Hopefully this should be a 'dual table config for dummies' I was that dummy, and it took me three hours. I hope this will at least help others to reduce the time sat in the car during a thunder storm
Dual table switching
Dual table switching only, does not change config, tables only (VE, Lambda, Spark, Boost)
Save MSQ in Megatune and back up MSQ file in a safe place.
Run 'download-config.bat' and back up config.txt and tables.txt, in a safe place
Edit config.txt at line 'confswitch=xx' where 'xx' is the config setting as bellow
confswitch=C3 (does - load_variables(slot1) if input ch3 grounded)
confswitch=D3 (does - load_variables(slot0) if input ch3 at 5volts (pull up))
confswitch=83 (does - load_variables(slot1) if input ch3 grounded AND misc1 condition is true)
confswitch=93 (does- load_variables(slot0) if input ch3 at 5volts (pull up) AND misc1 condition is false)
to change input channel number to one you are using, replace the '3' in any of the above with the channel number (0..7) IE using input channel 7, the four configuration variables above would be C7, D7, 87, 97
It would be normal to just use the first configuration value IE C0,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7 dependant on the input channel used. The config switch is then grounding the input to activate 'slot1'
Save changes to config.txt
Run 'generate-config-16x14WithDefaults.bat' (or, 'generate-config-12x12WithDefaults.bat')
Run 'upload-config.bat'
Create two folders in the profile folder ('VEMSv3-16x14' or 'VEMSv3-12x12') one called 'slot0' and the other called 'slot1'
Copy and paste the previously saved MSQ file into each of the new folders
Run Megatune with the config switch in the 'off' position (slot0) open MSQ file in 'slot0' folder, send and burn to the ECU.
Correct the ALS input miss configuration by setting to 'DISABLE' send and burn to the ECU.
Save MSQ in 'slot0' folder
Close Megatune
Power off the ECU
Change the config switch to the 'on' position (slot1), Power up the ECU, run Megatune, open MSQ in 'slot1' folder, send and burn to the ECU.
Correct the ALS input miss configuration by setting to 'DISABLE' send and burn to the ECU.
You will now be able to change the config tables at the flick of a switch. Note that the ECU needs to be powered down before changing the config switch from one to the other, Megatune does not nescisaraly have to be closed. It is a good idea to save the MSQ files for the two different 'slots' in the folders you created.