Technical > Wiring & Sensors

Don't know if this is the rght place but here we go.

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Hi All,

To be brief my project involves a mid mounted mr2 turbo (3sgte rev 1) in a space frame chassis.

What I would really appreciate any help is:

a) loose as much unnessary wiring as possible

b) gain a reasonable amount more power from it (but I only plan on doing the work once!)

SO I'm kinda of the thought of a custom ECU, I was recommended VEMS and to join this forum so whats the beef all about? I'm more of a hardware man so know sweet FA about the programming of car ECU's and the like.

Thanks to everyone in advance  ;D
Hi mate,

a) Yeah you can loose a lot of additional wiring if you dont have all the emissions stuff to deal with.  You'll need what I call the engine loom e.g. Starter motor, alternator, oil pressure warning light.  Then in a seperate bundle the ECU loom - which needs to be no more than air temp, water temp, throttle position, crank trigger, injectors and ignition.  VEMS has a wideband sensor which is an invaluable tuning aid, and an internal air pressure sensor so thats just a pipe to the ECU.

b) Any ecu will only give you the power that the engine is capable of making.  What a stand-alone/custom ecu will give you is flexability to tune the engine and make changes when you inevitably decide to try a new turbo, cams or what have you.  Also you can utilise the additional functionality like Anti-lag, launch control and boost control.

ok so a)Is a loom available to buy or a diagram on how to refine my existing loom

and b) Is there any recommendation on what to do with the ct26b that's on there? Get it modded, buy a bigger turbo altogether, Buy one of thsoe flange adaptors and put something that wasn't meant to be on there?

I think I'll get past most emisions as it'll registered on a 1951 chassis! :D

I'm looking at buying an aftermarket manifold losing the cat completely (already been weighed in) and pretty much jsut having a short straight through pipe as the exhaust on the turbo

Cheers :D

Fit the Vems and you´ll be able to do what ever you feel like.


--- Quote from: gunni on September 21, 2008, 12:52:23 pm ---Fit the Vems and you´ll be able to do what ever you feel like.

--- End quote ---

Dude I don't even know what a Vems is... as the first post said I was recommended to fit a Vems and to join here to find out about it. I know it is an ECU but essentially I build customs chassis and have more experience with carbs and the like. When it comes to ECU's I am a complete amateur on anything that isn't stock.

So thanks for the enthusiasm but I would really like you to expand on your statement so I know what I CAN do. I would like to have a reliable 350bhp which I expect would be relatively easy with a decent turbo and ecu setup? (bearing in mind it will be running a decent induction setup with no exhaust)


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