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1.1.27beta2 missing important files that 1.0.73 have !?

Started by Quattro, August 30, 2008, 12:14:14 PM

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I had problems to upload my tempsensor files in 1.1.27beta2 and found out that 1.1.27 dosen't have this files: vems12x12.hex vems16x14.hex and upload.hex but it have over 20 other files in firmware category that 1.0.73 dosen't have?

Also airXfactor file 2063_256 and a lot of others are missing.

And i wonder about this: in the upload-firmware12x12.bat it says this:
if exist firmware\vems12x12.hex (
tools\megaloader.exe firmware\vems12x12.hex -wtE -c com1

but in 1.1.27 it says:
if exist firmware\vems.hex (
tools\megaloader.exe firmware\vems.hex -wtE -c com1

Also in MegaTune2.25 directory i found some different files?

It would be great if some one could check beta2 and make an 1.1.27beta3 with all the right files in it.
Have an Audi 90q-85 20vTurbo with Vems ecu, also own 2 Urquattro 20v-90

[email protected]

There is no 16x14 table version for 1.1.27 so you wont get that option.


What do you mean about that ???

Do you mean that the: upload-firmware12x12.bat in 1.1.27 is OK ?

And do you mean that i cant use 16x14 in 1.1.27 at all? then i wonder why does 1.1.27 have firmware/upload 16x14 and everything else for 16x14  ???

After i copied vems12x12.hex from 1.0.73 to 1.1.27 i works fine now for me to type:
tempsensor_upload12x12 2063 2252 256

Before i copied that it just crashed and told me that there was something wrong with HEXPATCH.EXE ??
Have an Audi 90q-85 20vTurbo with Vems ecu, also own 2 Urquattro 20v-90

[email protected]

You have copied the firmware from 1.0.73 which came with both 12x12 and 16x14 images
The trouble is that the firmware is not the type you want for your Audi.  You would be better to get one of the later 1.1.xx versions and copy the vems.hex file from 1.1.27 into that.


1.1.27 firmware package have 16x14. But for some reason it is not included in MT package which is buggy anyway (vems.ini from older version etc).
I use 16x14. But be careful: there is something wrong in code. When engine load or rpm goes outside table, PW calculation goes wrong by some % too. So make your table bins with some reserve.


Quote from: [email protected] on August 31, 2008, 02:11:10 PM
I did this:

Ups!... 1.1.27 have boost control with boostDC table (it works well). In this package vems3.ini is from older version again.

[email protected]

I love the hit and miss nature of the release proceedure :o

Thats the ini file that came with the 1.1.27beta2 I downloaded - can you point me at a correct vemsv3.ini file that will work and I'll make a beta4 file...


Can't remember where I get right :( It comes from some firmware version published close to 1.1.27.

shame: no any version tracking information in vemsv3.ini

I can't share my file too: it is deeply modified for my needs.



NOTHING works for me  ??? please HELP !!

I downloaded beta4 and only run upload_firmware and upload-config then tempsensor_upload12x12 2063 2252 256 and my temp look's OK but then i tryed to start the car, but it's dead ??? (is it because i didnt run download and generate-config first?)

I went back and uploaded beta2 but still dead?

Tryed to copy all files in config from beta2 to beta4= still dosen't work.

Then in beta4 i tryied: genereta-config12x12 but get Couldn't open file: ..\firmware\global.h
I tryed genereta-config12x12withdefaults but get this config.mtt generated with 0 errors and 32 warnings

Then when i run upload_config.bat i get this something went wrong with generate-config.bat

Then i tryed to change the line in generate-config12x12 from
..\Tools\makeconfig.exe -c config.txt -g ..\firmware\global.h -l ..\config.log to
..\Tools\makeconfig.exe -c config.txt -g ..\firmware\global12x12.h -l ..\config.log
then i tryed it and get
Failed to build tables, reported the error:
Line: y[0]=FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Invalid table name
MakeConfig v0.5 (C)2005 VEMS Project. Rob Humphris.
config.mtt generated with 0 errors and 0 warnings.

What do i have to do to make it work for me?

I don't have the config files that came with my Vems ECU, but i have copys from a friends ecu (same ecu for Audi AAN engine) i tryed them also now, but after i run upload-config.bat my fuelpump runs all the time i turn on the key, but the car still dosent start..

Can you make me an beta4 with all the right config files for my Audi?
so i can run upload_firmware and upload-config then tempsensor_upload12x12 2063 2252 256 and it will work..
I really need the car to run as soon as possible..

Have an Audi 90q-85 20vTurbo with Vems ecu, also own 2 Urquattro 20v-90

[email protected]

Which config files were you using?
I cannot provide your original config files because I've no way of getting hold of them.


First the ones in beta4, then when i saw theres wasent any in beta4 i copyed them from beta2 to beta4 but the car still dosent fire, then tried the ones from my friend but with them the fuelpump runs all the time when i turn the key without cranking the engine.. but the engine is dead all the time.

I will try my ecu in my friends car tomorrow and try beta4 there, but do i have to change the line in generate-config12x12 like i did before?
And what about this fault i got?
Line: y[0]=FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Invalid table name ???
Have an Audi 90q-85 20vTurbo with Vems ecu, also own 2 Urquattro 20v-90

Quattro copied my friends config files to beta 4 and copied generate-config12x12 from beta2 to beta4 then i works..

I think theres something wrong with generate-config12x12 in beta4 !

Have an Audi 90q-85 20vTurbo with Vems ecu, also own 2 Urquattro 20v-90

[email protected]

Good to know that you're running again, sorry I couldn't be any help.


I forgot i also copied global.h in firmware from beta2 to beta4 to make generate-config12x12 from beta2 work in beta4..

So i think you should take away beta3 and beta4 and make an working beta5  :)

Have an Audi 90q-85 20vTurbo with Vems ecu, also own 2 Urquattro 20v-90