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Tunerstudio software

Started by gunni, September 27, 2008, 09:30:47 PM

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Just saw on a megasquirt forum that Phil Tobin has brought out a new tuning software.

Has anybody checked it out?

I like how you can change values in the VE and IGN tables.
What is missing is long interpolation

i.e like from rpm 3000,100kpa - 6000rpm,100kpa cell there are letÃ,´s say cells with 500rpm intervals,
you could input 50 in the 3000,100kpa cell, and 100 in the 6000rpm,100kpa cell and have the program fill in the blanks inbetween

[email protected]

I've had a look and it wasn't immediately apparent how you'd set it up to run with the vemsv3.ini file we use.  If it has nice live tuning capabilities and there are enough of us interested then I think we should all put some effort into making a couple of project files and make it so us VEMS users can get a decent tuning option that's worth paying him for.


I agree.

I believe that piece of software can be adjusted to behave in a manor similar to some more advanced ecuÃ,´s are.

There could be a auto tune setup that is logged based from within the software while your tuning or logging,
that would then give recommended changes based on logs. Much like the VE analyzer is now and works well.


I tested this with Vems. Everything else works with Vems files but communicating with Vems doesn't. When trying to switch online I get "unsupported controller firmware" inside the log file.
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