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upload errors

Started by Tony C, August 24, 2008, 05:55:26 PM

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Tony C

for a while i have had errors when uploading the .msq to the ecu,
always said 2 errors read audit log etc etc.

today i decided to sit down and trace them,
error one was a h22 dummy missing setting, when i checked in the h2 table one of the boxes was blank, changed to ign, the error went. when i tried an upload, so problem one gone, BUT what would of caused the box to be blank??

the second error is to do with boost controller settings,
set the boost config to 0, (disabled) save the .msq
open the .msq and there is an error looked at the audit log and it says,

C:\Vems\VEMS Genboard V3 12x12 Standard\v8capri.msq:Open
   WARNING(03): Value from option list "boost_conf_pwm" = "INVALID" not found.

Warning Details

   WARNING(03) means that the value expressed in the file for the
               constant was not found one of the options listed in the
               current configuration.  The constant was not altered, so
               you probably want to look more closely at this one and
               see what caused the mismatch.

C:\Vems\VEMS Genboard V3 12x12 Standard\v8capri.msq:Close

so does the boost controller need to be turned on all the time even if not needed?
or have i got a setting wrong somewhere guys?

also why does ALS always turn back on after you turn it off on every upload?

sorry for the questions  ::)

Vems Ecu, Twin Plenum efi and N2o
13.314 @ 104.39 mph (10/06/07 3.9 v8)
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Vems Firmware: V1.1.74

[email protected]

Hi Tony, I hope the season is going well for you.
I'm not sure what would have caused the box to be blank, its a damn nuisance that the bugs have never been properly ironed out.
Odd ones these, the ALS does need to be reset to disabled after an MSQ upload - I have no idea why and had a look at the MegaTune .ini file to no avail.  As for the boost control, it doesnt really matter eitherway if its enabled or not, personally I'd disable it.

Tony C

so disable and ignore the upload errors then in the audit log mate.
i have run mine with als on with no problems, but i will make sure its turned of every time now then,

yeah not going bad, only done one race this year, we upted the nitrous to 150bhp, and ran a 13.5 with wheel spin up the track on gear changes, then blew the clutch (ran 13.3 last year on 100 gas with no spin so looking promising)
had anew clutch built by AP racing that will handle 400 lbf.ft,
hope to hit the track again in a few weeks time for a shake down run,

Vems Ecu, Twin Plenum efi and N2o
13.314 @ 104.39 mph (10/06/07 3.9 v8)
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Vems Firmware: V1.1.74