Technical > Wiring & Sensors

supra mk3 starting problems

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When you say it was a specific coil doing the double spark do you mean that the coil sparked twice when moved from 1+6 to 2+5 and 3+4?
Or is it the one coil driver that is sparking twice?

it was always the same coil
whatever output i connected to it...
spark is also pretty small over all coils..maybe they are old and tired? :)
well that suggests that the coil is grounding via another coil...
I've seen things like this when coil packs are wired incorrectly, as one coil earths through another and they both spark as weak as hell.

in that case i could try and unplug other coils and only test the single one?
bosch 3x2 coilpack was ordered so we can throw the old ones away now anyway and see what happens
IF this does not change anything then only things are trigger or wheel itself
i should post the trigger log on wiki so someone can interpet that?
Good luck with anyone taking notice on the wiki, I'd offer to look at it but I can't honestly say it means much to me.  I use a 'scope then logical progression to solve my problem.

If the coil sparks twice regardless of the channel and cylinders its connected to then, to me, it looks like the coil is a problem.  Can you wire the coils so that you know each one is getting its own individual 12v feed and then each wire to the coil drivers in the VEMS?

The Bosch coils are good, but I'd head down the scrap yard first to see what else I could find, then I'd buy new ones of what I'd proved to have worked.  I love the Mitsubishi coil packs, the Ford ones are good and there are loads of other odds and ends you can try.  Its all down to if you're in a rush to get things working, or keen to learn how the components in a system fit together.



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