Technical > Wiring & Sensors
supra mk3 starting problems
im currently installing vems on '89 mk3 supra
i started the car but it ran really roughly and sometimes seemed like the ignition is too early as intake valves is still open and i could hear the ignition from the intak efilter...
I use a custom 36-1 trigger wheel and 1.0.73 firmware
I have the TDC set with timing light!
for doublechecking does any one have the coilpack plug picture showing which side is + and -
that is the only thing i could think of generating problems but not sure...
my setup right now...
The rpm reads nicely and i get no trigger errors(trigger swapped around does not read rpm)
when i looked at last 3 sparkplugs then it seemed like nr 2 coil was firing randomly...any way to confirm that?
should do trigger log maybe just in case?
grounds are all connected to head so no problems there
thank You!
Is that a wasted spark coil? If so the + will be common on all the coils and the - will be on individual pins.
Use your timing light to strobe the crank wheel - I always put a blob of paint on the front of the pulley so that I can see the rough position of the timing mark in its 3 possible locations.
its 3 individual coils
i have done the timing light thing and that is correct!
here are the config files and one datalog
hope that helps
coil plugs are connected 1,6 2,5 3,4
firing order is 1,5,3,6,2,4?
you put timing marks on each fire time so in my case teeth 1, 12, 24 ? that sounds a good idea :)
updated config but same url
I also added trigger raw log..can someone help to interpet that?
I chekced with timing light again and founf bug :(
coil nr 3 (cyls 3 and 4) fires about 2 times per cycle and that what makes the engine hesitate and rpm go up and down...
the only thing i can figure is bad trigger wheel? but no trigger errors...
bad vems maybe?
I've just run your config up on the test bench - it all looks okay, no double flashes from the LEDs there.
First test I'd try is to move the coils and their firing order in VEMS around to see if the double flash follows the coils.
Second I'd use the trigger signal generator in the tools directory to create a 36-1 signal that you can 'play' the VEMS through your sound card.
Thirdly - wasted spark can confuse some of the more 'intelligent' timing lights, its worth bearing that in mind.
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