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opel kadett c with 20v 4age

Started by jap_kadett, May 09, 2008, 03:23:42 AM

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[email protected]

It will never pass at 0.84, does it usually drop down after being at 1.0 for a while?  If so can you datalog this?

Injector sequence is defined in h[0], I've explained something about sequencing here:,614.msg6648.html#msg6648

The VVT should fail safe, meaning that it will be off if disconnected


vvt not coming on so thats fine,

so looking at timing issue.

i have 67 deg from first tooth after missing one to sensor,

which fires at tdc on timing wheel cranking,

so that looks right?

injector timing h[0]


have i got this right in my head,

injectors fire in sequence starting at tooth trigger, so thats tdc at cylinder 1 , so would like to inject at cylinder that last fired which
would be 2, next to fire will be 3 so inject at 1, next to fire 4 and inject at 3, and lastly fire at 2 and inject at 4

spark   inject   h[0] table
1        2         2
3        1         1
4        3         4
2        4         8

[email protected]

Sounds about right, your spark table remains fixed, the two injector alternatives are:
spark   inject   alternative inject
1        2         1
3        1         4
4        3         8
2        4         2


made some progress today

changed injector sequence to 2,1,4,8 and 1,4,8,2 car runs at lot better, pulls better but still requires tuning, i tinker with these to see how they affect co hc levels.

also being a plank i found that the fuse was not in for the wideband, doh! i take it its not good for the sensor?

i can now see some results, from the various setting changes,

any tips on getting it set well enough to get it mot'd,

[email protected]

An unheated sensor is not a happy thing at all.  Personally I'd take the thing out of the exhaust, switch on the heater (mde02 in terminal) and let it get a chance to burn some of  the soot off in clean air.  As long as sensor hasn't been run for long unpowered you should be okay.


failed to get wideband to come on using terminal, what have i done wrong now,

tried it in mini terminal in megatune, code never done anything,


does this look right, one minute i think its right then doubt it

black marker at tdc 1+4
red is sensor, position in the middle of tooth gap.

have it set to
70 deg after tdc
trigger tooth 0

[email protected]

If your timing light tells you that your timing is spot on then there shouldn't be a problem.
What is concerning you about the timing wheel?


car has no power, and cant stop it running very rich, used 25 lts of fuel, idles fine, revs fine and always starts straight away,

timing light says ok, but have noticed timing mark jumping further round about 90 deg not constantly,

[email protected]

What sort of PW are you seeing at idle?
It sounds like a fuel problem more than ignition - but the 90deg jump sounds strange, do you hear a change in the engine note?
I take it that you've got your timing light set to 0deg Advance?  A lot of lights that have advance get confused with wasted spark.


rob if emailed you my data log, if you could look over it for me, thanks


ive got two settings missing on injector settings

could this be a problem, opening to long.

[email protected]

Having those two values set to 0 means that the injectors are held open for less time, rather than guessing the characteristics of the injector and the scaling for battery deviation setting them to 0 turns it off.

How much fuel have you tried pulling out on the VE map at idle?  Does the car run smoothly with less fuel or does it start getting erratic?


ive played about with the reqfuel setting in basic settings, from 4.2 down to 2.5 and up to 5.5

and also adjusted it on the ve table, mind i probably doing some thing wrong, changing it this way

ive tried it loads of ways, so need to start from scratch, and start again, 

what do you recommend. 


I'd calculate your req_fuel, set all ve table entries to 100 and tune from there.
Leave the ve at 100 at idle and adjust the req fuel down (if too rich) to get the mixture close at idle then start on the tables.
Make sure your not still running in cranking mode or afterstart.
Have you got the WB sensor in the exhuast, what's it telling you?
Gavin :)
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WB/EGT gauges. Click here for customers write-up 
