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opel kadett c with 20v 4age

Started by jap_kadett, May 09, 2008, 03:23:42 AM

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hi,  im currently have a opel kadett c fitted with toyota 20v silver top, engines in now and im starting to look at vems to run it on, i will need to buy ecu, coil pack (which make is best?) , crank sensor,trigger wheel, (36-1)? air temp sensor, map sensor (internal on ecu)?

the more i read the more it gets technical, or is it a bit of a learn on the job type thing.

will put up some photos soon.

[email protected]

The crank sensor is a 36-1 type, we're talking to a bloke over in Suffolk who can make them for us, it will be a case of dealing with him directly for those.  Apart from the crank, the 20V sensors can all be used e.g. TPS, air and water.

Fitting and mapping an ECU is a technical task, but if you understand the basics and approach things in a logic order it can be straight forward.  I've done schematics for the VEMS v3 Harness on the 20V 4A-GE which are easy to follow.



where im at the minute, engine needs a little more work.


hi, just about to fit ecu, ive checked all my wiring and rechecked, is there anything else to check before i plug in the vems unit, iv still exhaust to finish, so not ready to fire up,what can i check with out trying to start engine it does crank over. no fuel pump in yet.

[email protected]

What trigger are you using?

First step is always to check that you get a stable and clean RPM reading.



hi rob, using a marrelli sen-8d, only cranking engine over at the moment not turned it over with vems connected yet, 

not been able to connect to vems as yet, bought new lap top last week, it using vista and usb to serial port, can connect in the terminal program ok, not been trying long but any help appreciated.

[email protected]

You will be in a very small minority of people who've managed to get the combination of Visa, USB->Serial and MegaTune to work! :o


right gave up on the laptop for now and dragged the desktop out into the garage

ive been connected, not sure if is were i need to be, when opening megatune on select a project iv got vems genboard 12x12 standard and hight boost,was expecting to see car1?

can connect to these and view live 8 dials which respone to tps and the like, how far off im i?

tried the comms tab and checked ecu connection which came back as success , on com 8.

[email protected]

Not sure what you mean by Car1, that's not a thing we use AFAIK.
You'll be wanting 12x12 low boost as you're running NA. 
Go to Settings->Basic Settings and check that:
MapRangeUnit is set to 2 (Default)
Table kPa unit is set to 1 (Default)

Then Burn To ECU and then close.
Close MegaTune, then restart and select 12x12 low boost.

I'm going to PM you to ask about the history of this VEMS, just so we know where we stand with the firmware, config what have you.



Car1 is what you get when using megatune for megasquirt but thats not the case with VEMS's version of megatune


Interesting project.  Good luck with it all - sounds like you're nearly there with the basic install.  Just the config to go now.  Megatune, cheap Prolific USB->serial converters and Vista don't get on all that well, but can be made to work.

I wonder if you have a picture of the steering rack?  I think it might be the same casing as on my TVR and I would like to prove it so I can have an alternative parts supply.  Thanks!


been a while since i last posted, stripped out the engine bay for a respray, well i have it all together again, and tried starting today, i managed to get it running after a few bouts of head scratching,

it runs and sounds mental,  need to learn how to adjust timing running about 5 deg retarded, idling  about 1800 rpm,

[email protected]

Does the VEMS say that its idling retarded?  Or is it the timing light.

If its the VEMS then you need to adjust the TDC after trigger value in Trigger settings.  If its the timing light then you need to remember that wasted spark coil packs do strange things to timing lights that have built in advance compensation - if this is the case you need to set the timing light to zero and dial in the timing from there.

Good work on getting it running.


QuoteDoes the VEMS say that its idling retarded?  Or is it the timing light.

it was on timing light, but found i had the setting of crank wheel out. that and the vacuum leak gave me a idle of 1800 =rpm,

now its down to around 750rpm, which is a little low,but smells rich on exhaust 

i dont want to start messing with it too much as i dont fully understand it all yet,