Author Topic: Subaru ign output  (Read 35011 times)

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Re: Subaru ign output
« Reply #30 on: April 24, 2008, 11:03:46 am »
I will give it ago again tomorrow or saturday, as i dont have the time sooner,
I have not tried anything since we got i working on the bench the other night

I then hope the car will start ::)

working on the boxer

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Re: Subaru ign output
« Reply #31 on: April 24, 2008, 01:25:06 pm »
It is a 5volt siganal, that is comming from the oe ecu, so if using the stepper output, this have to be modified to output 5volt.

I think we will try the ignitor outputs again.

working on the boxer

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Re: Subaru ign output
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2008, 10:25:28 pm »

I got the car started today, first running on 2 cylinderes, as the outputs were wrong!, it´s now run on the stepper output,And the B and C is switched(so runningA+C, and B+D) duelout,
 and the suply to the stepper is changed to 5volt,
we did this after we had some trooble with the logic level outputs,misfire,
But We then found out that there is something wrong with the firmware, that is 1.0.73, when it´s running the Subaru trigger setup, it took a long time to figuere that out,
And that is as soon as the fuelpump is switch on in megatune, running p259 ch5, then there is something wrong with both the input and output signal(trigger in and ign out)

I did not have the time to go mapping today, as i had to had the cars alliginment done today, as this was the only day i can,before next week Ring trip,
So i had to plug in the oe ecu.

I does seem that i have no control over the IAC valve, even though i can hear it clinking, when i turn it on,
I cant regulate up og dawn at all, it just idle´s at around 1600rpm.
I have duelvalve , Inj6 EC36-pin6 as close end, and inj7 EC36-pin17 s open,
that is right, right?
With the same setting as the 20v AE86, there is no control at all.

working on the boxer


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Re: Subaru ign output
« Reply #33 on: April 28, 2008, 04:20:05 pm »
I thought you had the dual IACV working nicely on the 20V?

Obviously its going to need a lot of tuning, so surely getting it working on On/Off type will be the way ahead.

I've never heard of the fuel pump causing problems with the trigger - has Peter Jen put anything on the wiki about it?


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Re: Subaru ign output
« Reply #34 on: April 28, 2008, 04:34:11 pm »

I did have a perfect idle on the 20v,
therefor a think it´s a bit strange that i cant control it atall on the subaru, and i dont know were to start with the adjustments, so i will map it, without the idle control first, then i must see if i can get it working.

Peter told me to write it on the Wiki, but i ave just not come aroud to doing it yet,

Btw, we measured the oe dwell time with the scop, so we now know that this i 3ms :)
I have now scop pics of the oe tacho output ,cam and crank sensor, and the output for the oe ignitor,
This is usefull, if you need it, some time, when this get working ::).

Oh wel, i have lots of time, it´s only saturday morning, i´m going the 800km to the ring, 3days fun, and then 800km home again ;D

working on the boxer


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Re: Subaru ign output
« Reply #35 on: April 28, 2008, 06:53:45 pm »
Excellent work, have fun at the ring.
A scope trace of the VR signals when the fuel pump turns on would be very useful.

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Re: Subaru ign output
« Reply #36 on: April 28, 2008, 10:38:23 pm »
I dont think We saved the scop picture, of that trigger event, but it was just random, and not the same all the time, there could be 2 event so close, that you could only see it as a wider signal, then it could mis the input/outputs a few cycles, then again some random firing.

Now i just need to get it mapped right, and get the boostcontrol working, then the other can wait, til later,

Boost is the most importen thing ;D

I have writen a bit on the wiki, and updated the config and table

working on the boxer

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Re: Subaru ign output
« Reply #37 on: April 30, 2008, 10:55:36 am »
Well, i was out and drive a bit last night, and adjusted a bit on the fuel and ign map,

The car is having a hard time starting, and trigger error shows up when cranking,but it humps like cracy, but ones it starts it´s fine,
just like the 20v engine when running the oe trigger, so it´s probbely noise, it´s just not present, when we scoped it the other day.

I have some trobble withthe idle, as it runs 1300-1500rpm, and will stall when the fan kicks in, this i cured with setteing a much higher ref table, so when 71degrees it says 60 procent, the it would not stall,
but i dont suppose this is the right way,
Also a bit difficult to drive when there is no engine brake, becourse the idle is holding the rpm up!

working on the boxer

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Re: Subaru ign output
« Reply #38 on: April 30, 2008, 12:34:27 pm »
Put a ramp in the ignition timing at the lowest RPM bin (probably 600 or something) so that idle falls into a V shape.  As RPM drops, the timing will rise and RPM will build again.   This should help stop the stalls, but it is only a temporary fix.

If you want another set of eyes on your datalogs, then let me know :)


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Re: Subaru ign output
« Reply #39 on: April 30, 2008, 01:33:58 pm »
David's idea is a sound one, which I always use when running a car for the first time.
As you smooth out the map you may find that the idle will smooth out - it will also get smoother with the correct injector sequence as now you may find that theres a lot of unburnt fuel passing out of the exhaust, Cliff demonstrated the effect with a peice of white paper - if you hold the paper 10cm from the exhaust and its covered in wet dots then you are not lighting off the charge properly, this can make you chase your tail slightly because the wideband wont read the unburnt fuel so it may show a lean mixture, which you'll add more fuel to and end up with filthy stinking gases coming out the back of your car...

To get over this you need to address the injector phasing as long as you keep the sequence correct you can try them in four different positions:

0 -> 8 4 2 1
1 -> 4 2 1 8
2 -> 2 1 8 4
3 -> 1 8 4 2

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Re: Subaru ign output
« Reply #40 on: June 21, 2008, 09:32:23 pm »
Today we measured with a scop ona my99 Impreza, to get some data , other then from a manual,
And some strange thing showed.

The ign output from the oe ecu, to the coil/ignitor  on the wastedspark coil , is 12v outputs, so i will use the ign fets(inverted) with a 12v pullup to drive the 2channels,
We also measured dwell, and there was a big surprise, as when cranking there is 58ms dwell, when on idle there is 8ms dwell, and at 4k rpm there is 4ms dwell,

The rpm output needs a 12v pullup, just like my own Legacy,

That was what i did today regarding the Impreza V5 install.

Any comments to that info?

working on the boxer

Offline dnb

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Re: Subaru ign output
« Reply #41 on: June 22, 2008, 04:17:51 pm »
I'd not be too worried about the dwell on the ecu to ignitor signal because it's probably not the same as the dwell applied by the ignitor itself.   All the same, it's a bit wierd when we are used to having fairly constant dwell systems these days...

Good that you're making progress.  I have used the ign fets to drive a MY96 ignitor on mine - not ideal, but it works on the bench...  Still not got the car finished because I'm still waiting for the the mechanical chap to nail the rest of the car together :(

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Re: Subaru ign output
« Reply #42 on: June 22, 2008, 08:53:14 pm »

On the my96 that is a extern ignitor right?

On the my99 there is no external ignitor, that is built into the coil.

here is a great side with online manuels

The My99 GT fit the diagram of the P1, with minor changes. there is can be seen how the coil is driven from the ecu.

also great to being able to see the idle stepper connections.

The cranking voltage on the cam and cas is, 4v peak-peak,
so the same as my old Legacy, i just hope it dosent have the same noise, but i hope to being able to tell during the next week..

working on the boxer

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Re: Subaru ign output
« Reply #43 on: June 23, 2008, 07:13:29 pm »
Yes MY96 is an external ignitor.  It's only being left for ease of wiring.  I will remove it the second it causes trouble... I know the internal IGBTs work well. 

Nice link :)  Will be useful for my MY99 RA.

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Re: Subaru ign output
« Reply #44 on: June 23, 2008, 09:29:51 pm »
Yep, that link and the this wiring digram, is what´s needed for the v5-v6 impreza

But i just hope it runs with the legacy settings, with minor changes,
I really just hope that the trigger noise is not present, so i dont have to use all that time to figure it out on this car, as this is a customers car!

working on the boxer