Technical > Wiring & Sensors

Stock AE86 Rev counter

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--- Quote from: Will on May 02, 2008, 12:23:21 am ---Can I share the 12v that goes to the relays turning the ECU on and off, or will the tacho wire from the ECU make the power relays turn off?

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yes you can,
they will not.

--- Quote from: Will on May 02, 2008, 12:19:37 am ---Ok thanks, is there a rule of thumb of what resistor to use? Or just try one? Like 330Ohm

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You want to use the largest resistor that still works as you want to keep the current as low as possible.
I = V/R = 13.8/330 = 0.0418

Tried a 470ohm one, so going to go out and buy some lower value ones and give it ago.

O I'm using pin 6 of the 36pin plug.
Do I set the tach output to Inject channel 6 or 7? As I have read that pin being referred to both name.

I´ve always used a P259 channel.

And I have normally used a 1kOhm resistor but have had a 2k one work.

--- Quote from: Will on May 02, 2008, 10:42:05 am ---Tried a 470ohm one, so going to go out and buy some lower value ones and give it ago.

O I'm using pin 6 of the 36pin plug.
Do I set the tach output to Inject channel 6 or 7? As I have read that pin being referred to both name.

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If 470 worked use it, 40mA is fine through a p259 channel



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