Technical > Wiring & Sensors

Stock AE86 Rev counter

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12v - resistor - tacho wire.


--- Quote from: gunni on May 01, 2008, 09:57:09 pm ---12v - resistor - tacho wire.

--- End quote ---

Where does the ECu wire go in that lot? Before the 12v wire?
Tacho wire to the ECU.  12V via the Resistor to the Tacho wire to "pull" the tacho voltage up towards 12v.

When the ECU's tacho channel is closed the tacho sees 12V, when the ECU opens the channel the current flows to ground and the tacho sees 0V.

Ok thanks, is there a rule of thumb of what resistor to use? Or just try one? Like 330Ohm

Can I share the 12v that goes to the relays turning the ECU on and off, or will the tacho wire from the ECU make the power relays turn off?


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