Technical > Wiring & Sensors
Stock AE86 Rev counter
Has any one got the Vems rev output working with the stock Rev counter?
If so where can I find the wire I need to connect to the dash on the AE86 loom?
Had a good look about on the various AE86 sites but can't find much info.
try taking a wire with a 12v feed and a 300R to 1K resistor, and the AE86 revcounter wire and bang them off each other to see if you get any movement on the rpm - the quicker you make and break the connection the more the RPM needle should move.
If theres no movement its because the tacho needs more of a voltage kick, and we'll need to work that out when you've done the 12v test.
It might be worth using your diode pair connected to coil 3&4's ground wires. like you did with the coilpack from before...
I never got round to doing that Diode method as I don't know where the wire in the loom (car side etc) is for the speedo. I know its meant to be down the left hand side passenger foot well area where that relay board is, other than that no idea really?
Well eitherway you're going to need to find it for this one ;)
Black with orange stripes, coming out of plugs by the stock ecu.
If its an early model, its on the bulkhead connector that splits in two behind the intake/engine.
Same colour scheme.
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