Technical > Wiring & Sensors
what set-up did i get as standard?
If you are running an external igniter then you will want to use the stepper motor driver
The Igniter has something similar to the IGBTs in it.
--- Quote from: on April 14, 2008, 08:34:44 am ---If you are running an external igniter then you will want to use the stepper motor driver
The Igniter has something similar to the IGBTs in it.
--- End quote ---
Will this be nessery on my setup?
I have made a loop internal to make the ign output to logic level, so i dont suppose that the stepper output is needed for my setup
It depends, on the Nissan S13 the igniter module fires all lovely with the logic level.
Not so with the S14 - which was part of the issue with NismoS14's setup.
Check Hillys Lotus V8 thread, he uses some driver chips that provide higher voltage than the logic level control.
ok that's all that sorted. thank you.
i was just looking through the vems_v3_documentation.pdf and all the parts upto 2.2.5 are pre fitted, would this mean it has been tested/ pre loaded firmware?
while reading the trigger section, i noted that i only have 1 LM1815 and both my triggers are VR. where is the best place to get it (not listed in maplin or RS) failing that can i use the cam sensor alone and still run sequential injection?
also while looking in the rescu kit what is the 1A fuse for? (blade style)
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