Technical > Wiring & Sensors
what set-up did i get as standard?
according to my order i have:
1 x GenBoard v3.3
6 x Ignition drivers
8 x Injector drivers
1 x Wideband connector (not the same as mine -but will be soon)
1 x Dual channel knock sensor
1 x EGT input amplifier
1 x Idle stepper motor drive
now the questions:
What have i to do to the pcb to use it, as the vems_v3_documentation.pdf says i'll need to add things that are all fitted as it arrived
what ignition drivers are they? 12v or 5v(logic)? - they all the metal backed ones.
the wide band connectors are not the same, the one on the sensor is in-line (1x6) while the vems one is 2x3
where is the best place to add the egt? i have an egr port on cyl 6 which is 1" from the 2nd valve would this do????
How do you plan on using it?
According to the order you should be fine for most applications.
Those are most likely 12v IGBT´s
That is a good place for the EGT.
my plan is to use it to replace the orignal set-up at first, and then one i have it running nicly to add coil packs.
my ignition set-up is ecu-ignitor-coil(it's not a normal oil filled coil, looks like a single output coil pack)
glad about that i can make a plate to cover the hole up nicly now.
I'm getting hacked off with this forum, I've only just seen this come up...
The IGBTs are 12V high current
Some external igniters are fired by bridging the gate pin with the output pin as that gives a low current, low voltage (5V) drive for an external IGBT type of driver. We recommend that you use the stepper driver for this where possible.
Regarding placement of the EGT sensor, is there a cylinder that is known for running hot?
so would it harm the igbt if i used it and the system was not 12v? as the graph from autodata shows the out put from the igniter to be almost 10v. i'm yet to measure the input.
i dont know if any cyls tend to run hot, i'm the only one i know of who is adding vems/anything to this engine.
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