Technical > Wiring & Sensors
LCD Troubleshooting
After almost a year on the back burner, I have unit #857 powered up and alive on the test bench.
The LCD is not working, does anyone have a link to a similar experience or a troubleshooting/FAQ?
The brightness and contrast resistors are not installed, just the J1 to J16 wire, and of course the 9 main wires to the board. I am getting +5 volts across DB1 and DB5, and that is all I know to do at this point.
Any help would be appreciated.
--- Quote from: lugnuts on April 03, 2008, 05:44:28 am ---The brightness and contrast resistors are not installed
--- End quote ---
I think you answered your own question
excellent, It's always great when it is something easy.... kind of like soldering the MAP sensor in upside down :)
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