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Porsche 944 turbo

Started by Grisen, October 27, 2009, 05:19:05 PM

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Hi everybody!
I am Pete, from Helsinki, Finland. I have been lurking here for years, while building my project.
Project description:
Car: Porsche 944 turbo 1989
Engine: 3,0 litre 16 valve 4 cylinder, from Porsche 968. C/R reduced with 3mm thick Cometic MLS headgasket to 9,5. Garrett Gt35/82R turbo, Carillo Rods. The engine is originally normally aspirated and now turbocharged. The engine has variocam, ie adjustable on/off type adjustable intake cam.
Exhaust. 968 headers connected to 944 turbo so called cross-over pipe,( as turbocharger is located on left side of the engine, when headers are on right side). After turbo 3 inch downpipe, 3 inch race catalytic converter, 3,5 inch tailpipe with muffler. Modified Porsche 944 turbo wastegate.
Intake: Audi RS2 throttle body, 4,5 litre plenum with velocity stacks, large aftermarket intercooler, Bailey blow off valve, 2,5 inch intake tubing.
Trigger: From Porsche 944 turbo: Version of “Audi trigger” two VR sensors, one reading starter ringteeth by flywheel (132 teeth), and one sensor reading one pin (reference tooth) 67 degrees BTDC (24,5 teeth)  by flywheel.
Fueling. Bosch 044 fuelpump, adjustable bosch FPR, Racetronix 846cc/min highZ injectors.
Ignition: Bosch motorsport wasted spark ignition module ( 0221503407)
All sensors are from Porsche (Bosch) except MAT, wich is from VEMS webshop. ICV is from Porsche 968 Bosch 3 pin dual solenoid (0280 140 536)
VEMS: V3.3 serial number 731
               Secondary trigger: Audi trigger
                Primary trigger VR
                Power flyback
                300kpa onboard MAP
                 LCD and PS2
                 Knock and EGT
                 4 ignition drivers
Firmware 1.1.47 ver II

Current status: I first got it running on September, and while beeing quite busy, I have no driven it yet, Actually I have not got it idle decently. Firts I got It idle quite fine, about 1500 rpm, heres Datalog:, and here is corresponding MSQ:
Then I started to adjust ICV, a little bit advance & VE table, wich was followed very poor idle, and eventually continous trigger errors, datalog: .
I reloaded previous MSQ, but trigger errors where there. I also checkked groundings and other wiring, wich seems to be ok. Any ideas.


Check the gap near the trigger sensor.
And make sure that the ecu is correctly setup for your Audi trigger setup


Thank you for really fast answer. Gap between sensors and teeth has been set and measured, when assempling the engine, if I remember right it was 0,8 mm ( done according to factory workshop manual).
Also the trigger set up is propably right:
Edge: Rising
Type: Coil Type
Filtering: Disabled
Adv filtering: Disabled
Special triggertype: Auditrigger divby2
TDC after trigger: 44.0
Number of teeth on wheel: 66
Trigger tooth: 1
Neft trigger tooth: 33
Crank min Period: 816
Angular width of tooth: 5,5

Ref tooth table: 0, 33, 0, 33

On secondary trigger Raw value  I have 25 (accordind to the other Finnish 944 turbo project).
With these settings I got it decently running, without triggererrors, until I started to tune ign advance, ICV and VE table.
I wonder if it is possible to burn some chip or something, that can result to trigger errors?


If errors was not at beggining, you have to check teeth on flywheel. Visual or preferable with o-scope.

If errors was from beggining, try Auditrigger divided by 3 with adopted other settings. I had case when divided by two had some strange problems.


Got O-scope: broken reference sensor. It gave very random spikes, allthough it was brand new bosch sensor??. With new sensor I get very nice impulses. I should have beleaved VEMS, when it says Trigger error, it means Trigger error :)


On weekend I had finally time to try start the engine: no success. No more Trigger errors, but Missfire. I rechecked the speed- and reference sensors with o-scope and the signals are fine, ref sensor starts with positive spike. I measured voltage to bosch wasted spark ignition module (from webshop), and it gets same voltage as in battery, I checked wires from ignition module to EC connector (34&36), and they are fine. I checked  sparks from plugs, and only cylinder 4 gets reasonable spark, cylinder 1 gets very weak spark and 2&3 does not get spark at all??. I measured ignition wires and spark plugs and they seem to be good.
I am little bit lost with this project now. The engine run quite well previously, with these settings and only thing have happened is the broken VR sensor, wich now is changed and verified to work.
Is it possible that coil or some IGBT has been broken when I tried to run the engine with broken reference sensor?
Is there any ideas, how to measure or check these things ???


The problem was poor connection with ignition leads. No the car starts fine. Have start to adjust idle.


Little update and new question: The engineis now running quite decent idle about 900 rpm, adjusted with open throttle body. Lambda is stable 1 and no missfires. Engine starts easily.
Problem: I hve not been able to get ICV working. ICV is original Bosch 3pin dual solenoid from Porsche 944 turbo, without spring. +wire to middle and groundings on bouth sides. On wire loom I have installed to scotchy type diodes, so that current is able to run from - wire to + wire. If I test grounding from econoseal connector i get the ICV work (both solenoids). When I turn ignition on, ICV says klicklick, quite like prime pulse from injectors.
ICV grounds are connected to injector channels 6 and 7, which have also been activated fron h[0] table (CH6=64, CH7=128). Also on all output channels page number two has injfet 6 and 7 chosen to run ICV.
Firmware is 1.1.47 v2

:Control type: PWM/Stepper
IAC to load: 0
Idle RPM cold: 1200
Max temp for cold idle: 60
Idle RPM warm: 860
Min temp for warm idel: 60
Idle afterstartRPM, added value: 100
Idle afterstart duration 25.0
IAC actuator speed: 6
Max steps to extend: 30
TPS value for idel threshold: 6
IAC follows tps when not idle: disabled

IAC HARDware setup:
Type: PWM
idle solenoid channel: Injfet
Idle solenoid channel 6
Dual solenoid 6

Ign based idle control disabled

PID Idle control:
Asymmetric PID control Enabled
Idle control P:20
Idle control I: 10
Idle control D: 1
Integral decrease limit 30
Integral increase limit 5
Integral deadband 50
IAC deadband 50

Idle control other settings:
iac conf raw: 106
refpos for MAT Disabled

Ref positions:
60-40, for temperatures -40-71,1
IAC position at-40 60
IAC position at 77 30

I have also tried many other settings, which I have found from wiki and on different forums. Those abowe are from running car, with alike ICV, allthough different firmware.

I also tried to change ICV grounding pins on EC connector, and on one position ICV stays open (about 2600 rpm) and on other position it is closed.
I tried to run ICV with terminal program (mdi commands) without response.
When engine is running ang I watch LCD with page 3 (IAC page) it has running numbers, so I think VEMS is trying to do something?

I hve bee trying to solve this problem for  a month and after I get ICV working it is time to dyno, so I am little bit frustrated..
I would be wery thankfull if  I get any ideas how to solve this problem. Change to different kind  (one solenoid) ICV? If so which would be good? Or is there some " hidden" setting, which I have not found? Or am I just too stupid?


Got it working: Changed "Max steps to extend from 30->255 and propably the most important: inverted second solenoid channel h[0] injfet ch7->chi7. Found these instructions from wiki after several hours searching. I definitively think, that there is urgent need for updated instructions for VEMS.


I have used dual solenoids for a while on BMWs. Whith no diodes. Though should work also with diodes.

Can you publish your msq or vemscfg. There should be some error if valve didn't obey to terminal commands.



As you see on my last post, I got the ICV working, and now I can run it also with terminal commands. I think the problem was that I did not invert the second solenoids injector channel. After inverting it  the ICV started to work and it was straightforward to adjust it for decent idle.


For inverting I usually just swap order in INJ outputs table.

I recommend rise frequency by using speed=0

And use I value as high as 100. For some reason I value is insensitive.

Enable ign advance aid for idle.

Also to move away cold an hot temperatures can bee good idea for smooth transition.

MAT correction is usable feature too...


Ignition advance controlled idle can mask a badly configured ICV, so try to make it work as nice as possible without that feature turned on.


Thanks for answers. Finally got time to try those settings. Changing frequency speed to 0 improwed idle, but if I changed I to 100, ICV sytopped working, But i think I should change also P to bigger than I. Anyway i am quite happy with idle now, about 900rpm warm engine, lambda 1-1,04. Tuned without ignition control. When enabling ignition control on it also smoothes idle.