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tests for knock sensor

Started by multiplex, March 23, 2008, 07:31:48 PM

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Maybe it is working great, there just no info on how to get it to work,

Is like having a Bugatti, but you can only figure out, how to press the speeder 1cm down, it would be really great if you could go to WOT, but itÃ,´s just out of your reach to get it done, when there is none written on the numbers that have to be out in to megatune.

working on the boxer


what is the Command for the terminal windows to enter other Knock channels? On the MT config i get Channel 01
i think for the Audi 5 Cyl i should go to AA ! ????

Give us some advice


Quote from: billman on June 30, 2008, 10:30:25 PM
what is the Command for the terminal windows to enter other Knock channels? On the MT config i get Channel 01
i think for the Audi 5 Cyl i should go to AA ! ????

Give us some advice
This is biggest problem. Some time ago I found way change sequence it using terminal. But every time when Megatune used to correct some variable in knock pop-up window, settings resets again.



That means you change something in MT then go to Terminal and change channel. If you change something else then you must go to terminal and change channel again ect?


Only after opening/editing something in knock sampling window.


OK, what command should we use in the terminal windows for the knock channel?

Even if we have to change it it is a start. I would like to rise the boost a bit but till then i want to have beside my ears an extra help for knock detection and i cant buy an extra gadget now.

[email protected]

Take the knock sensor and connect it to the mic input of your laptop, then run Audacity.  You can use the FFT filter as a band pass filter.
This will allow you to listen, record and see the output of the knock sensor.


is there anybody ..who can tell me..
where to find this  numbers (for chanel) ..??

or tell me the key for it ..??
fire order is 1342..

in VemsTune is def.values 240 (F0h) to disable Knock and 211 (F1h) to log to SDcard
so .. I must set the Chanel to 0 (00h) or to 101 (65h) ..??

..I'm so confused with this...

EDITED: so Sensor is located near to 3rd cyl.

Quote from: GintsK on March 27, 2008, 09:24:29 AM
Thank You a lot for clarifying things! Great work!

Are MT works for changing other knock related values, when knock_chan is changed using other methods?

So if I have 5cil engine with firing oder according to h[2]
cyl: 5 3 1 2 4
then something like this:
      1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
must work (C8)?

1 5 3 6 2 4

0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0



If you have 1 knock sensor use just 0
It is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 binary.


Thanks... :)

so, how to recognize this bin mask ..?? (dec.val is from 0 to 255)

if I can use another one (second) knock senzor, for 2nd harmonic freq., in future...
Today I have best result on 15kHz, ... but konck is "wisiblle" on 5.5, 12, 17-18Khz also
but is theree too much noises....

BTW: Knock Gauage0-5 take some values, if no knock sensor conected...
what is it ..?? .. it is normal ..?? .. any type of noises from Analog Chanels ..??


I also spent some time trying to bench test the knock function from V1.1.94

Yes indeed channel numbering is very confusing. But this could be on my side since the same we I was unable to find out how to write down a SD card log !! ;)

Anyway the knock function seems to be actually disabled until V2.0
"We had some weird side effects of the new code, so currently disabled, but we definitely want to enable it soon, before 2.0.0"


Yeah it's on the firmware page

Quote[1.1.88] Withdrawn !

    withdrawn because compiled with KNOCK_ALTERNATIVE that seems to cause problems (ign advance different than table) under certain circumstances. Upgrade to latest released version is highly recommended.