Technical > Wiring & Sensors

Wideband Setup Problem

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VE learn is silly - it can't possibly use enough information to set the VE table.  You're better off recording lots of datalogs and using some kind of data mining technique to average the errors for each bin... 

Is there power to the wideband sensor?  I found this can make everything behave in silly ways once.


--- Quote from: on March 22, 2008, 06:00:42 pm ---Never use VE learn

Tune the thing using the wideband feedback.

I've never seen any noise issues like this before, is the wideband ever getting to heat up?


--- End quote ---

Wideband feedback is what i should have said. Man I'm on a roll with this thread, hah....and I'm not sure if the wideband is getting fully warmed up. I didnt want to leave it on any longer. I'll play around with it a bit again today and retest some things and, yes, I am getting power to Pin 3 on the wideband. I'm not around the car at the moment but i was also going to double check the plug pin orientation. I went off the numbers listed on the back of the plug itself when i wired it. It probably wouldn't be any different but i'll double check anyways.


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