Technical > Wiring & Sensors
Wideband Setup Problem
Im trying to get this wideband installed and calibrated and something kinda strange is happening I'm to the step of the calibration itself and whenever i turn on the key my injector(s) start going crazy; i can hear them clikcing about 10 times a second or so.(My fuel system pressure is at 0 so i dont have to worry about flooding the motor). It only happens when the wideband sensor itself if plugged in. I just checked and everything looks good wiring wise to the ECU. Is there an interference somehow with driver outputs?
Also i swear i can hear a whining noise from the VEMS box itself.
whining noise from the VEMS is fairly normal - it's a bit of electrical noise from the heater FET.
It is not normal for the injectors to switch like that! Assuming your wiring is all ok, I would suggest there may some noise getting into your trigger, or you have a problem in your config that doesn't show up in Megatune
Yeah i played with it a bit. when i first turn on the ecu the injectors just have a constant buzz to them and it doesnt register on the Tach in megatune. then about 5 seconds later it will flash up 3000 RPM and pulse like that for a while. It ended up blowing my coil fuse. My trigger lead is seperated from the rest of the harness right now so i dont think there should be that much noise going through the wiring itself. Heres my config files.
--- Quote from: bcool on February 27, 2008, 07:40:05 am ---This is a bit cleane
--- End quote ---
^ Those are minus my wideband calibrations.
I doubt the ECU is damaged - there's little evidence to suggest so at this point. Noise in a circuit can do incredible things - I suspect you might have a ground problem.
Any ideas for finding the source of the issue?
On a lighter note i hit full boost tonight for the first time Wooooo
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