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Bifuel software support

Started by mr_g, March 12, 2008, 07:52:57 AM

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That just sad ???

all i can say to that is hmmmm.

But i must say that iÃ,´m really glad for the support on here..

And as You can see , not much is happening with the advance quistion problem i have, and for sure if a error in the software.
as it only advance half of whats written!...

working on the boxer

[email protected]

I'm not completely alone here, if I ask questions on the IRC then, if the right person is active I get an answer
[09:28]   <PhatBob>   Will there be a dual config support on a 1.0.xx firmware release?
[09:30]   <Andrey>   dual tables, but one config
[09:31]   <PhatBob>   I thought 1.1.33 switched configs and tables?
[09:33]   <Andrey>   according to storage.c it switch 3 tables: boost, ve, adv
[09:35]   <Andrey>   (ve table with lambda table too)
[09:36]   <Andrey>   seems it isnt hard to move some source lines from 1.1.xx to 1.0.xx
[09:45]   <PhatBob>   do you have any idea why it hasnt been released?
[09:45]   <PhatBob>   or made public enough for testing?
[09:49]   <Andrey>   hmm no
[09:49]   <Andrey>   no ideas
[09:51]   <Andrey>   what progress with 2JZ ?
[09:51]   <Andrey>   i use last svn revision (with mat table)


As I was browsing through wiki (the crazyest thing ever made) I have found out that double configs are only in 1.1.32 supported... It says do not use.. And of course it is not downloadable... There is 1.1.33. That should have double configs... But it's also for bench test only... What ever it means...

If wasn't this forum, and my friend MWfire, and you Rob, I would still be looking at the VEMS on my table in my room.. So the forum is one big collective knowledge... Wiki on the other hand... Damn! What a piece of shit.. And what is IRC.. :lol: I have never use that thing... :lol:

Anyway, I need LPG... Should I go and seek my luck with 1.1.33, or make script that would change config files every time I switch fuel?  ??? :-\ >:(

Sorry for my dirty words, I'm on the edge of nervous break down...  :-\

BTW, forum is really slow. What is going on?

[email protected]

As I say, test on the bench - which means test the thing completely and thoroughly off the car, you know the problems you had with upgrading 1.0.73 to 1.1.xx?  Thats just a fraction of what can go wrong when running untested firmware:(


1.0.77 firmware has N20 control, IÃ,´m assuming this is basically a single channel INJ control, for instance could be used for N02
or other PWM circuit.

Also I see it has Staged Injectors.

Nothing about it on the wiki or here.
does anybody have a list of what has been changed?


Mr_g and i started his car on lpg.

First we try with resistors serial connected with lpg injectors(1.7ohm). With 10ohm, injectors are closed, same thing with 5ohm. With 3.3ohm some injectors canââ,¬â,,¢t open:(. So we decided to use pwm.
Petrol injectors(high z) are connected inj0-3, gas(low z) to inj4-7. So we modified vems.

Basically pwm settings doesnââ,¬â,,¢t affect to gasoline injectors, only to lpg injectors.
For now firmware is 1.0.73 so itââ,¬â,,¢s impossible to change petrol/gas while driving.
Next step is go to 1.1.36(dual tables and configs).

Motronic,ups vems:)


Yes, it's pretty like this changes...

But I still have a problem with injectors closing time, and therefore exhaust backfires, dizzy idle, high LPG consumption, etc...

We will use active 12V flyback for PWM time, and 45V transistor flyback for closing time...

And I'm still waiting for stable version with dual config...

LPG injectors are LOW-Z (1.7ohm), and gasoline injectors are High-Z (12ohm)...

[email protected]

I'll check on the status of the dual map setup.


Yes. Thank you... MWfire did ask Marcell to make 1.0.x version with dual config, so it would be stable... The thing with bifuel is that all the configuration must be duplicated, not just ve, lambda, and spark...



mr_g, can you explain what OC0 output do? Or it is input?




How it works? One output for all injectors. How peak time is realized for given injector?



Mosfet driver is inverterd(when is 0V on input then injector is on).
When injector is off, then on avr output is high(+5V). When is injector open(peak time) then on avr output is low(0V). When pwm is enablen on avr output is high z(high impendance) so OC0 is control this injector via R17x resistor.