Technical > Wiring & Sensors
I Button
I have the I button chip, sensor and buttons. I have of yet not fitted it untill i can find more out about it.
How does this actualy work within the software, Megatune, third party software?
What do i actualy need to do to get this to work and what should i expect.
I'll leave it off for now till i can get some info.
I think its a feature that's not been supported very well. Personally I have not ever looked at the iButton features.
I'll leave it then till i can research it a bit more.
I thought this was the case TBH and the main reason I havent soldered it on ;D
I'll return to this at some distant point ::)
Research started on this and i dont think it will be too much of an issue. Just need to sort the third party software to configure the chip, untill i can work out how to get it integrated in Megatune.
The config will also need some playing with to see what its capeble of, but at the moment I need to comunicate with it, Im talking with the manufacturer, or at least on their forum ::)
Watch this space :P
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