Technical > Wiring & Sensors

Bosch Motorsport Ignition Coil 3x2

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Anyone have any clue about pinout?

There are four pins....i need to connect 3 of them to IGBT's,do i need to run them in pairs?
I searched for pinout on the coil but didnt found anything....

I've never actually had one of those coil packs in my hands, and I've just been searching all over the place to find the info to no avail.
But the way I decode the pins on the coil pack that I have had is to write down the pin numbers then measure the resistance between the pins and writing down the readings.
There will be one common power, and the other 3 will each go to an IGBT - no need to run them in pairs.

Tnx Rob,i will do the measuring and will see ;)

hey I actually know this one!

so for future reference...

pins 1 - 2 - 3 are ground, wire them up with igbts

pin 4 is common +12v feed

pins are placed in logical order: the left pin goes the left coil etc

not so logical is the numbering on the coil spark outputs, ignore them!

use coil 1 with pin 1, and cyl 1+6
use coil 2 with pin 2, and cyl 2+5
use coil 3 with pin 3, and cyl 3+4

This cylinder numbering is correct for Porsche boxer-6 and most V6 engines but not for straight-6 engines.


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