Technical > Wiring & Sensors

Finally finished the prototype MY93 to 96 Subaru plug and play adaptor

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Do You still think that i need to put in the older firmware,like 1.0.73 ?

Smart move with the power, but i will now go and plug it in the car, and try the subaru setting that is written on Wiki,and see if i can get a cranking signal ::)

1.0.73 is the firmware to use, its running hundreds of engines for over a year now.

I think you need to start afresh with the config and tables for this install.

Sorry for my absence - no further progress on the VEMS side of my Scoob project.  I got caught up quite badly in "real" work

Okay, i know how it feels, i would be a lot nicer, if the same money con into the account, and didn´t have to work for it,
then there would be better time, to project like this  :)

Maybe you could  review the trigger, injector and ignition settings, to check if it looks right?



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