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Finally finished the prototype MY93 to 96 Subaru plug and play adaptor

Started by dnb, February 06, 2008, 12:07:01 AM

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Here's a pic from last night's construction efforts, before I wired up the grounds.

It's getting tested on Thursday this week, assuming the engine is back together.



This is great news,

I have just ordered a new board, so i can install it in my Legacy turbo, are you going internal map, or still using external?

working on the boxer


Internal 3 bar MAP - the test subject only has a MY93 MAP that isn't up to the job.



IÃ,´m really looking forward to hear, if the trigger system is working  :).

working on the boxer



It will be for sale, assuming it all works!

I'm not going to put an exact price on it yet until I have got the first one working reliably, however I am hoping it will be a similar price to the Nissan S14 adaptors.


Did you have any luck on the startup of the engine?

Did the trigger config work?.

working on the boxer


The engine's still not properly together.  Slight problem with getting the turbo delivered  :(



What about the flyback wire, when mounting it pnp?

IÃ,´m about to assemple my vems, and make the wiring to the 4plugs in the loom,and would like to know if this is just left out, or do i have to make a new wire for that?

working on the boxer


There's a couple of +12v feeds to the ECU.  One of them is definitely for flyback purposes according to the wiring diagram.

I'll see if the whole thing works at the weekend - the engine is finally built!



I did not check the wirediagram, i just looked at the pinout,
are you using the stepper to run the ignition module, or runnnig it some other way?

working on the boxer


I'm using both the water pump and fan outputs for the radiator fans, so I'll be using IGBTs to drive the coils.  (This will be done directly if the ignitor unit gives me any problems)

The secondary reason for this is that my v5 RA has a 4 wire stepper, so if that ever gets VEMSed, it'll need the stepper driver to be a stepper!


I have today been working a bit on this wiring on my vems board,mounting another lm1815 chip to make the second vr input trigger.
So it now got primery and secondery trigger made to VR

I just saw this..

As you can see the tps voltage goes from high to low, and not the otherway around,
that dont seem to be suported in megatune,
So do i just switch + and - on the tps??

I can also see that i have a lot more wiring on the oe plugs, then you do??
I dont suppose you are going to run it all with VEMS

working on the boxer

[email protected]

VEMS will take TPS going from high to low or low to high.

A lot of the existing wiring is for things like MAF, Lambda, A/C, and so on.


Okay, then itÃ,´s no problem with the tps.

regarding the lesser wiring, i can see it says, before ground wires, which there is lots off :)

working on the boxer