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Has anyone seen lambda readings in a log file, but no ego correction happening?

Started by dnb, February 01, 2008, 04:38:22 PM

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I have just been sent a datalog and there's something wierd going on.

The ego correction parameters are apparently set correctly in the MSQ - ego correction should be active in all of the VE table except for warmup and 90% to 100% throttle.

The ego flag is never set in the datalog, and GammaE (ego correction applied for that sample) is always stuck at 100 for the whole recording.   

There is data in the log file from the lambda sensor and I believe the readings given are probably sensible - it isn't stuck at 0.6 or anything silly. 

I've had something similar happen to me - ego correction disabled itself after an overrun fuel cut event and didn't turn on until after the idle flag was cleared, but this doesn't appear to be the problem here.  (I never did get to the bottom of it - the car just stopped doing it)

What have I missed?   


Could it be that you reached max limit of change? I think in that case it just ignores EGO correction.


No, Gego stays at 100.  If it were limiting, then Gego would be 100 +/- the appropriate limit.


It would be much easier to think this, if that .msq file or even that lambda and related settings are in sight.
I had my old 1.0.53 version bugged so that it turned egoC off when pedal was fully lifted after deceleration.
Small blip in throttle turned it on again. But obviously this isnÃ,´t your problem.


Tony C

Vems Ecu, Twin Plenum efi and N2o
13.314 @ 104.39 mph (10/06/07 3.9 v8)
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Vems Firmware: V1.1.74


No sign of a config problem at all - most of your settings in this area are the same as mine!

Looks like it's back to the age old practice of swapping bits out until the problem either goes away or changes into something else... :(

Tony C

Vems Ecu, Twin Plenum efi and N2o
13.314 @ 104.39 mph (10/06/07 3.9 v8)
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Vems Firmware: V1.1.74


Tony C

Vems Ecu, Twin Plenum efi and N2o
13.314 @ 104.39 mph (10/06/07 3.9 v8)
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Web site:

Vems Firmware: V1.1.74

Tony C

Just an update on this,
sent dnb some of my logs from last year, and it also shows the same problem, no correction all though its turned on,
any ideas Rob, Jorgen?

Vems Ecu, Twin Plenum efi and N2o
13.314 @ 104.39 mph (10/06/07 3.9 v8)
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Web site:

Vems Firmware: V1.1.74


I'm pretty sure it's a strange config issue.  The sort which doesn't show up in Megatune, like the one where my dual fire coils decided to only fire one half the time.

Tony C

ok David i'll leave it to you then mate.
we will try that config you was on about first.
oh the new injectors are now fitted mate, just need to fit the diode now, but the sun went down too quick and the garage temp dropped rapidly to -2 that was enough for me then,

Vems Ecu, Twin Plenum efi and N2o
13.314 @ 104.39 mph (10/06/07 3.9 v8)
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Web site:

Vems Firmware: V1.1.74

Tony C

one thing i forgot to say David,
you know you turned i think hot start prime off,
the pump still primes weather jot or cold, and not matter what you set the duration time to it stays at what ever its priming at,
i turned it down to 0.1 and it still primed for around 3-4 secs,
not sure if this will help find the fault mate.

Vems Ecu, Twin Plenum efi and N2o
13.314 @ 104.39 mph (10/06/07 3.9 v8)
Sponsored by: &
Web site:

Vems Firmware: V1.1.74

[email protected]

Hi Tony,
That the priming pulse for the injectors (Settings->Priming, Cranking, Afterstart) the fuel pump is Extras->Fan/ Waterpump/ FuelPump and you definately want that to prime when the ignition comes on.
