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Started by 3.7 V8, January 19, 2008, 03:56:36 PM

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3.7 V8

 ???  Hi  just bare with me on this one, i have plugged in the vems unit via an extension lead to a usb on my computer,
        on using megatune it does not communicate! i even got rid of the extension lead and put the vems lead direct to
         my computer, still no joy,  also how do you know what coms port your computer uses!   

            As you can tell im new to all this and im just trying to get the basics done,   cheers danny ::)

[email protected]

Your com port on the PC should be com1, but it does depend on the setup.

You'll need to check your device manager (My Computer->Properties Hardware Tab, device manager).



I take it you have got the VEMS powered up ?????


3.7 V8

           Yes the vems unit is powered up, it has ignition live i have checked with a power probe, and defo has main power supply
             have also tried the use of both my home computer with megatune installed and my laptop, also have purchased a
              second usb lead and driver disc to make sure that was not the problem, also even put the lead from the vems unit
            dirrectly from to the computer and still no response >:(

             not sure whats going on,   bugger ???



This is a set-up problem as the comm port on the ECU worked fine as I uploaded and tested your unit using it !!!!

If the laptop has an RS232 port (9 pin 'D' plug) then it will be com1.
If your laptop doesn't have a built-in RS232 port (most new ones don't these days) then you'll be using a USB - RS232 adaptor and these usually assign to com 3 upwards

The default com port for Megatune is com2 so this is most likely not what either the built in or the USB-RS232 adaptor is using hence the lack of talking.

You can either look at what com port the USB-RS232 adaptor is assigned to using the method which Rob said above or just try each one (starting at com1) in turn and test it till it works.
You change the Megatune com port via Communications->Settings->com 1 - 99.
