Technical > Wiring & Sensors
VEMS internals
I´m finishing one and need to know if I need to use 1.5K Diodes on the grounding wires.
The pre assembled ones have them but it doesn´t show in the assembly information.
One is the flyback on the top side while the other is on the bottom side
onto what seems to be a grounding point both connect to pin 36.
I'll ask.
Are you sure that these arent the flyback diodes?
They are. :P
I´m sourcing some at the moment to finish this ecu.
then I can get going in installing it.
Question asked - I'll report back any findings.
Well I installed the diodes. finished the communications cable which is a headphone jack connectors converted into serial on one end
and ec18 pins on the other.
I´m "getting" vems alot better now.
I got the unit some fresh firmware and connected it using megatune and there are already some tables and stuff in it.
which is funny,. I checked the tables.txt after the download scribt and there was nothing, I must have used a default.bat file.
All is good, now I can finally get started on what I know already and thats harness wiring.
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