Technical > Wiring & Sensors
splicing knock sensor
i have recently bought a a ks3 knock detector/alarm. am i able to use the one knock sensor (a lovely new bosch one) for both the ks3 AND the vems? or would i ideally need two sensors?
Tricky one that, on one side of the coin you have the fact that the sensor is located in the correct position to pick up detonation noise across all four cylinders (as decided by the Nissan designers) - which means you'd be best placed to use that sensor.
On the other side I can't be sure that sharing the sensor won't degrade the signal. As the knock chip we use is passive with a high impedence I'd think it would be okay - but that would be for my use on my car where I'm happy with the risks.
ok dude, ill splice them both onto the same connector and see how it goes :)
i take it you cant stack the sensors? ???
I seriously doubt it.
First off I'd start with the KS3 on its own, then when you're reaching a stable state of tune you'd want to add the complication of the knock sensor system on the VEMS.
ok mate :)
unsure yet if ill map it myself...fancy having a go but im struggling to understand it all :( leaving off complications to start with sounds like a good idea lol
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