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M50nv Configuration Help (idle)

Started by thatgearheadmarek, March 23, 2018, 12:59:29 AM

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Hey guys so I've been trying my best to study and do my research but feel like I'm at a point that I need to reach out for help.

M50nv swapped into E30 with a turbo,
100% stock motor other than 630 cc Deka injectors (settings as per spec sheets),
VEMS 3.6 PnP from Gunni  Config 1.2.31

-oscillating idle and lambda at warm idle (and tail end of warmup enrichment)
-stalling engine after rev or when coming to stop at stop sign for example
-If idle target is 950rpm, engine wants to oscillate between 600 and 800
-If idle target is changed to 750, engine oscillates briefly and shuts down

This leads me to believe I have some incorrect settings with idle, injector, or ego. The current settings for idle and ego are how the PnP kit came.  It drives smooth and pulls very well in boost with great AFR's.

Below are some configuration settings that may be the culprit.

Copy of configuration file:


It would help a lot more if you upload a vemslog file instead.

No big issues but :
Disable "RPM filter, cam based trigger"

Set "Idle afterstart ramp down time" to 0.1 instead of 5.0. It's a badly scaled variable.. it will take a looong time to settle down.

You could spread apart the temperatures for hot and cold idle. Just lower the cold idle rpm down to like 30-40 C.

Max/min PWM should be set at the useable spectrum. Usually about 30-60%, not 10-90%.

Check your idle dutycycle. What does it do? How does it correspond to your ref duty cycle table?
Pull these gauges up in your VemsTune display. Idle -> Dutycycle, integral and target rpm.

Disable PID by setting them to 0,0,0 and check how well it follows rpm by just having it follow the "idle ref duty" curve (and having the idle ignition advance active).


Hey Mattias thanks for chiming in with your expertise.

DevInArt has given me some settings and it no longer stall after revving/coming to a stop.  I did some of your changes and below are some logs. Idle still slightly hovers but now +-30 rpm. As it goes below 900 there's a light shake from the engine and I can here what sounds like a very light miss from the exhaust.

-Changed cold idle rpm to 40 C
-Engine is not happy if I drive during warmup.
-Disabled the Cam secondary trigger since I'm wasted spark.
-Changed from 5.0s to 0.1 (made for rough start but could be cranking enrichment table needs work)
-IAC duty cycle is about 38% and is in the red part of the scale
-Lowering IAC reference position, lowers IAC duty cycle and smaller IAC integral
  (for example change IAC ref. position from 43% to 42% = IAC integral goes from -100 to -52)
-Turning P, I, D all to 0 made the engine rev to 1400rpm with IAC duty 45%
-On deceleration, my check engine light comes on. I tried to change the lean threshold from 1.73 in the Warning Light Settings, but it won't let me change it.
-Couldn't find the Max/min PWM spectrum settings.
-MAP is calibrated to 86 since I'm at 5200' elevation (tried the 101kpa but I had a really hard time to get it idling and fueling right.)

Short warmup drive:

Idle with some revs:

Experimenting w/idle settings (changing PID to 0 and then back) + a short drive around the block:

I think I'm close other than getting the VE table better. Engine feels really good during cruising and boost situations but I want to make sure all is good with idle and such before I go on any longer drives.

Thanks SO MUCH!