Technical > Wiring & Sensors
VEMS support for OEM BMW S50B30 camshaft sensors (VR, Magnetic)
When I VEMS'd my Twin Turbo BMW M3 GT (S50B30) back in 2011 Gunnar used a Hall camshaft sensor, because VEMS didn't support the OEM one.
has this changed?
Intake camshaft sensor part number 12141401889
--- Quote from: M3GTttHulk on February 28, 2018, 10:51:24 am ---Hi,
When I VEMS'd my Twin Turbo BMW M3 GT (S50B30) back in 2011 Gunnar used a Hall camshaft sensor, because VEMS didn't support the OEM one.
has this changed?
Intake camshaft sensor part number 12141401889
--- End quote ---
it always supported it, it just requires small vr signal to hall signal converter, it sometimes depends on the ecu configuration how it was ordered, anyway using hall is better compared to old vr ones
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