Technical > Wiring & Sensors
3 wire bosch ICV
Does anyone have any information/calibrations for this 3-wire bosch valve? Came from BMW m50 engine:
Bosch p/n: 0280140574
1&3: 20ohm
2&3: 20ohm
1&3: 40ohm
Thats the two coil type - one opens the ICV the other closes, so if you get a failure the ICV stays half open and keeps your car running.
The connection is as depicted under the Dual Coil Solenoid IAC Control section in:
And that you set the Idle settings to dual out.
This example uses Injector Channel # 6, but the software also uses the channel set in 7
You will need to set your injector outputs to drive the correct pins, setting the values in the Injector Outputs table
will drive the pins shown in the connection diagram above.
1. I will need to change control type to PWM type yes?
2. On another forum I read that it is a 100hz valve, so I would put 100 in 'IAC actuator speed/pwm freq'?
3. Is there a table of what setting to use for iac_conf RAW?
It's interesting that MegaTune configures the value iac_conf RAW based on what options you enable, seems to be pretty accurate to what I would've picked it too. Very odd field.
A RAW value is essentially made up of the bits that you turn on and off. In global.h you'll see the config_t structure. Inside that you will see:
iac_conf; // iac, bit7:softidle bit6:asym bit5:dualsol bit4=1:ignadv ON, bit3:preciseidle bit2:stepper(0=pwm) bit1:tps_follow bit0:power_iac_only_when_move
Which may help you understand why the value changes when you select the different features.
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