How will I set my req_fuel, I get different answers from different sources.
MegaSquirt calculator gives with inputs
Engine Displacement (cubic inches)
183Engine Displacement (cubic inches)
4Number of Injectors
4Number of Squirts
2Injector Flow (lbs/hour)
per injector
86Injector Staging
alternating Fuel Type
Gasolinean answer of
5.6And if I change Injector Staging = simultaneous --> Downloaded
(ms) = 2.8
OTH PhatBob manual :
req_fuel = 6.49 * (D / N / I)
I injector flowrate (cc/min)
D engine displacement (cc)
N number of injectors (eg. 4 for a 4 cyl port injection)
req_fuel = 6.49 * ( 3000 / 4 / 903 ) = 5.4
No separation between batch or sequential or which divider.
I'm using divider=1 and sequential injection.
Finally I'd like to confirm that when using Low-Z -injectors ( 2.35 ohm ) with ballast resistors and the box has 30V Flyback, then PWM will be disabled like this:
*Inj open time should be 0,
*Inj rampup_battfac must be 4080 (which diables the feature)
What are right values ( or a good starting point ) in this window:
PS. How in h*** one marks a topic as new??