Technical > Wiring & Sensors
BiFuel on VEMS
Thank you...
How to add tags to wiki? Like bold, emotions, etc?
--- Quote from: on November 21, 2007, 11:13:24 pm ---Wiki is an aquired taste
--- End quote ---
You can say that again. I'd spiral into depression if I had to give up Rob/the forum and go to the wiki. Gah.
It used to have a practice area to play with the old wiki, but that seems to have disappeared now.
'''Three apostrophes either side of the text''' will make it bold
= A single equals sign = either side is a heading
== makes a smaller heading == smaller
=== three equals === will give you the smallest heading
----- will give a full line break.
There are no emoticons on the wiki, it is not a place for smilies, just grey rain and misery ;)
I got no response of any kind on my page. Is this ok? Not?
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